Raghavan, S. Raghu
The Institute for Systems Research
Dr. Raghavan's research interests and activities cover a broad domain including--- auction design, data mining, economics, information systems, computational marketing, networks, optimization, and telecommunications. He has published on a wide variety of topics (including telecommunications, electronic markets, and data mining) and numerous academic outlets such as Management Science, Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, and the INFORMS Journal on Computing. He holds two patents, and has won numerous awards for his research work. He is most proud of his Ph.D. students (8 graduated and 2 current) who have done outstanding research, and won several major awards for their doctoral dissertation work.
The unifying feature to Dr. Raghavan's research is the network and combinatorial optimization techniques he applies to these problems. Raghavan's research is supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency. Recently, he has finished co-editing a book on Telecommunications Network Design and Management. He has received several patents and prestigious awards for his research, including the George B.Dantzig Dissertation Award from INFORMS. Prior to joining the University of Maryland he led the Optimization Group at US WEST Advanced Technologies.
Education. Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research, February 1995, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Thesis: Formulations and Algorithms for Network Design Problems with Connectivity Requirements, supervised by Professor T. L. Magnanti.
Master of Science in Operations Research and Statistics, December 1988, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 12180.
Bachelor of Technology in Aeronautical Engineering, July 1987, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras , India
Dr. Raghavan is passionate about using quantitative methods (in particular optimization models) for better decision making. His research interests and activities cover a broad domain including--- auction design, data mining, economics, information systems, computational marketing, networks, optimization, and telecommunications. He has published on a wide variety of topics (including telecommunications, electronic markets, and data mining) and numerous academic outlets such as Management Science, Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, and the INFORMS Journal on Computing. He holds two patents, and has won numerous awards for his work. These include (i) the Dantzig award for the best doctoral dissertation, (ii) the INFORMS Computing Society Prize (twice); once for innovative contributions to the field of data mining, and a second time for his contributions to public sector auction design, (iii) the Glover-Klingman Prize for the best paper in the journal Networks, (v) the Management Science Strategic Innovation Prize by the European Operations Research Society, (v) 2ndPrize in the INFORMS Junior Faculty Paper Competition, (vi) Finalist for the European Operations Research Society Excellence in Practice Award, and (vii) Finalist for the Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice. He has edited six books titled Telecommunications Network Design and Management (Kluwer Academic Press 2003), Telecommunications Planning: Innovations in Pricing, Network Design, and Management (Springer 2006), The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision Technologies (Springer 2005), Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and Technology (Springer 2008), The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges (Springer 2008), and Tutorials in Operations Research (INFORMS 2008). He enjoys teaching decision modeling oriented courses, and is a recipient of the Legg-Mason Teaching Innovation award at the Smith School. Prior to joining the Smith School he led the Optimization Group at U S WEST Advanced Technologies.
Network and combinatorial optimization, linear programming, integer and mixed-integer programming methods, heuristics, and large-scale optimization; with applications to auctions, energy, health care, social networks, logistics/supply chain, and telecommunications