Walsworth, Ronald
Minta Martin Professor
Founding Director, Quantum Technology Center
Founding Director, Quantum Technology Center
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quantum Technology Center
Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics
Joint Quantum Institute
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
Quantum Technology Center
Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics
Joint Quantum Institute
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
2218 Kim Engineering Building
Ronald Walsworth leads an interdisciplinary research group with a focus on developing precision measurement tools and then applying them to problems in both the physical and life sciences. Multiple start-up companies have spun out of the Walsworth lab, with others being planned. He is also a Professor in the UMD Department of Physics and Founding Director of the UMD Quantum Technology Center.
1991: Ph.D. in Physics, Harvard University
1984: B.S. in Physics, Duke University
Awards and honors
- Francis Pipkin Award in Precision Measurements, American Physical Society, 2005
- Distinguished Traveling Lecturer, American Physical Society, 2002-present
- Fellow, American Physical Society, 2001
- Smithsonian Institution Exceptional Service Award, 1993
- Duke University Faculty Scholar Award, 1984