Jensen, Kevin
- Ph.D., Physics, New York University, 1987
- M.S., Physics, New York University, 1983
- B.S., Applied Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Columbia University, 1981
Kevin L. Jensen received the B.S. degree in applied physics from Columbia University, new York, in 1981, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from new York University, New York, in 1984 and 1987, respectively. In 1987, he joined the Naval Research Laboratory as an NRC post-doc. Inn 1990, he became a member of the Vacuum Electronics Branch, for theoretical work on emission properties of electron sources, and has been with the Materials and Systems Branch since 2015. His research interests are in quantum transport and electron emission physics (field, thermionic, and photo-emission) in relation to, e.g., rf vacuum electronics, space-based applications, and free electron lasers. He has authored and coauthored over 150 publications (peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia articles), co-edited three Proceedings volumes for the Materials Research Society and the Electrochemical Society on cold cathodes, was guest editor for the "Special Issue on Vacuum Microelectronics" in Solid State Electronics 45 (6), (2001), is on the conference committees of the International Vacuum Electron sources Conference (IVESC) and the International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), and was co-chair of the 3013 IVNC. He has written two books (Electron Emission Physics (Academic Press, 2007) and Introduction to Electron Emission Physics (Wiley, 2017)). He was a Plenary Speaker for the joint 2012 IVEC-IVESC Conference in Monterey, CA, tutorial speaker at several IVNC and at the 2017 ICOPS (Atlantic City, NJ). In 2009 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society. In 2022, he was accepted into the Sigma Xi - Edison Branch (NRL) for Applied Physics. He retired from NRL in March 2023.
\bibitem{Jensen2024} K.L. Jensen, in Advances in Terahertz Source Technologies, edited by G.S. Park, M. Tani, and J.S. Rieh (Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., New York, 2024), p. 569.
\bibitem{Jensen2024a} K.L. Jensen, Tutorial: The equations of electron emission and their evaluation, Journal of Applied Physics 135, 111101 (2024). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0196481}
\bibitem{Petillo2023} J.J. Petillo, S.J. Cooke, T.M. Antonsen, S.G. Ovtchinnikov, A.J. Jensen, E.M. Nelson, K.L. Jensen, and B. Levush, First Principles Codes and Analysis Environments for Vacuum Electronics Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 70, 2666 (2023). \url{https://doi.org/10.1109/TED.2023.3236910}
\bibitem{Jensen2023} K.L. Jensen, J. Riga, A. Shabaev, M. Osofsky, and J.C. Prestigiacomo, A delta barrier in a well and the exact time evolution of its eigenstates, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 174402 (2023). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0150385}
\bibitem{Jensen2022} K.L. Jensen, M.S. McDonald, M.K. Dhillon, D. Finkenstadt, A. Shabaev, and M. Osofsky, Thermal-field emission from cones and wires, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 40, 022801 (2022).
\bibitem{Chen2022} D. Chen, R. Jacobs, J. Petillo, V. Vlahos, K.L. Jensen, D. Morgan, and J. Booske, Physics-based model for nonuniform thermionic electron emission from polycrystalline cathodes, Physical Review Applied 18, 054010 (2022).
\bibitem{Ludwick2022} J. Ludwick, N. Hernandez, G. Tripathi, M. Cahay, T. Back, and K.L. Jensen, Influence of thermal contact resistance on the field emission characteristics of a carbon nanotube, Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology B 40, 042804 (2022). \url{https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0002001}
\bibitem{Jensen2022a} K.L. Jensen, J. Riga, J.L. Lebowitz, R. Seviour, and D.A. Shiffler, An exact tunneling model and its application to transmission and reflection delay times, Journal of Applied Physics 132, 124303 (2022). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0096568}
\bibitem{Jensen2021a} K.L. Jensen, J.L. Lebowitz, J.M. Riga, D.A. Shiffler, and R. Seviour, Wigner wave packets: Transmission, reflection, and tunneling, Physical Review B 103, 155427 (2021). \url{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.155427}
\bibitem{JensenNRL} K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, and M. Osofsky, Theory and Modeling of Ultrafast Electron Emission From Nanostructures, NRL Memorandum Report IR-6362-21-34-U, (2021).
\bibitem{Jensen2021} K.L. Jensen, J.M. Connelly, J.J. Petillo, J.R. Harris, S. Ovtchinnikov, A.J. Jensen, J. Burke, M. Cahay, J. Ludwick, G. Tripathi, J. Sanchez-Roddy, and D. Puentes, Semi-analytic model of a carbon fiber thermal-field emitter, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 095107 (2021). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0044800}
\bibitem{Jensen2021b} K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, J. Riga, D.A. Shiffler, J.L. Lebowitz, and R. Seviour, Reevaluating the Hartman effect for field emission, Physical Review A 104, 062203 (2021). \url{https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.104.062203}
\bibitem{Lewis2021} S.G. Lewis, D. Ghosh, K.L. Jensen, D. Finkenstadt, A. Shabaev, S.G.A. Lambrakos, F. Liu, W. Nie, J.-C. Blancon, Zhou, Liujiang, J.J. Crochet, N. Moody, A.D. Mohite, S. and Tretiak, A.J. Neukirch, serg@lanl.gov, and ajneukirch@lanl.gov, Cesium-Coated Halide Perovskites as a Photocathode Material: Modeling Insights, Journal of Applied Physics 12, 6269 (2021). \url{https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01412}
\bibitem{Ludwick2021} J. Ludwick, M. Cahay, N. Hernandez, H. Hall, J. O’Mara, K.L. Jensen, J.H.B. Deane, R.G. Forbes, and T.C. Back, A new multiscale approach to rapidly determine the local emission current density of nanoscale metallic field emitters, Journal of Applied Physics 130, 144302 (2021). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0065612}
\bibitem{JensenDA2020} D. Jensen, A. Mahoney, and L. Resler, The annual cycle of landfast ice in the eastern Bering Sea, Cold Regions Science and Technology 174, 103059 (2020). \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2020.103059}
\bibitem{Tripathi2020} G. Tripathi, J. Ludwick, M. Cahay, and K.L. Jensen, Spatial dependence of the temperature profile along a carbon nanotube during thermal-field emission, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 025107 (2020). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0010990}
\bibitem{Shabaev2020} A. Shabaev, K.L. Jensen, and S.G. Lambrakos, On constructing a dielectric function for cesium lead halide perovskites Algorithms, Technologies, and Applications for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery XXVI, Proc. SPIE 11392, 11392E / 1 (2020). \url{https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2558299}
\bibitem{Jensen2020s} K.L. Jensen, in Modern Developments in Vacuum Electron Sources, edited by G. Gaertner, W. Knapp, and R. Forbes (Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020), p. 345.
\bibitem{Jensen2020a} K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, S.G. Lambrakos, D. Finkenstadt, N.A. Moody, A.J. Neukirch, S. Tretiak, D.A. Shiffler, and J.J. Petillo, Analytic model of electron transport through and over non-linear barriers, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 235301 (2020). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0009759}
\bibitem{Jensen2020b} K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, S.G. Lambrakos, D. Finkenstadt, J.J. Petillo, A.M. Alexander, J. Smedley, N.A. Moody, H. Yamaguchi, F. Liu, A.J. Neukirch, and S. Tretiak, An extended moments model of quantum efficiency for metals and semiconductors, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 015301 (2020). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0011145}
\bibitem{Harris2019} J.R. Harris, and K.L. Jensen, Verifications of Schottky’s Conjecture, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 215306 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5091712}
\bibitem{Jensen2019b} K.L. Jensen, M. McDonald, O. Chubenko, J.R. Harris, D.A. Shiffler, N.A. Moody, J.J. Petillo, and A.J. Jensen, Thermal-field and photoemission from meso- and micro-scale features: Effects of screening and roughness on characterization and simulation, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 234303 / 1 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5097149}
\bibitem{Petillo2019} J. Petillo, A. Burke, A. Jensen, S. Ovtchinnikov, E. Nelson, G. Stantchev, S. Cooke, K.L. Jensen, B. Held, and A. Nichols, The MICHELLE Code: Latest Features and Advanced Applications (invited), IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference 1B1 (2019).
\bibitem{Yamaguchi2019} H. Yamaguchi, F. Liu, J. DeFazio, M. Gaowei, L. Guo, A. Alexander, S.I. Yoon, C. Hyun, M. Critchley, J. Sinsheimer, V. Pavlenko, D. Strom, K.L. Jensen, D. Finkenstadt, H.S. Shin, M. Yamamoto, J. Smedley, and N.A. Moody, Quantum Efficiency Enhancement of Bialkali Photocathodes by an Atomically Thin Layer on Substrates, Physica Status Solidi (A) 1900501 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.201900501}
\bibitem{Cahay2019} M. Cahay, W. Zhu, J. Ludwick, K.L. Jensen, R.G. Forbes, S.B. Fairchild, T.C. Back, P.T. Murray, J.R. Harris, and D.A. Shiffler, in Nanotube Superfiber Materials, (Elsevier, City / Country is:
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019), p. 511.
\bibitem{Zhu2019} W. Zhu, M. Cahay, J. Ludwick, K.L. Jensen, R.G. Forbes, S.B. Fairchild, T.C. Back, P.T. Murray, J.R. Harris, and D.A. Shiffler, in Nanotube Superfiber Materials, (Elsevier, 2019), p. 541.
\bibitem{Harris2019a} J.R. Harris, D.A. Shiffler, K.L. Jensen, and J.W. Lewellen, Investigation of the Schottky Conjecture for compound structures modeled with line charges, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 215307 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5093416}
\bibitem{Connelly2019} J.M. Connelly, W.W. Tang, J.R. Harris, and K.L. Jensen, Demonstration of 3-D-Printed Field-Emission Cathodes, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 4292 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1109/tps.2019.2931819}
\bibitem{Jensen2019} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, J.L. Lebowitz, M. Cahay, and J.J. Petillo, Analytic Wigner distribution function for tunneling and trajectory models, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 114303 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5086434}
\bibitem{Jensen2019a} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, J.M. Riga, J.R. Harris, J.L. Lebowitz, M. Cahay, and J.J. Petillo, Analytic Wigner distribution function for a split potential well, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 144301 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5110406}
\bibitem{Jensen2019d} K.L. Jensen, M. McDonald, J.R. Harris, D.A. Shiffler, M. Cahay, and J.J. Petillo, Analytic model of a compound thermal-field emitter and its performance, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 245301 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5132561}
\bibitem{Jensen2019c} K.L. Jensen, A reformulated general thermal-field emission equation, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 065302 / 1 (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5109676}
\bibitem{Petillo2019a} J. Petillo, K.L. Jensen, M. McDonald, S. Ovtchinnikov, and A. Jensen, A Model of Thermal-Field Current from Microscopic Structures, IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference 8B4 (2019).
\bibitem{Moody2018} N.A. Moody, K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, S.G. Lambrakos, J. Smedley, D. Finkenstadt, J.M. Pietryga, P.M. Anisimov, V. Pavlenko, E.R. Batista, J.W. Lewellen, F. Liu, G. Gupta, A. Mohite, H. Yamaguchi, M.A. Hoffbauer, and I. Robel, Perspectives on Designer Photocathodes for X-ray Free-Electron Lasers: Influencing Emission Properties with Heterostructures and Nanoengineered Electronic States, Physical Review Applied 10, 047002 (2018). \url{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.10.047002}
\bibitem{JensenDA} D. Jensen, T. Baird, and G. Blank, New landscapes of conflict: land-use competition at the urban-rural fringe, Landscape Research 0, 1 (2018). \url{https://doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2017.1413173}
\bibitem{Yamaguchi2018} H. Yamaguchi, F. Liu, J. DeFazio, M. Gaowei, C.W. Narvaez Villarrubia, J. Xie, J. Sinsheimer, D. Strom, V. Pavlenko, K.L. Jensen, J. Smedley, A.D. Mohite, and N.A. Moody, Free-Standing Bialkali Photocathodes Using Atomically Thin Substrates, Advanced Materials Interfaces 1800249 (2018). \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.201800249}
\bibitem{Jensen2018c} K.L. Jensen, D. Finkenstadt, D.A. Shiffler, A. Shabaev, S.G. Lambrakos, N.A. Moody, and J.J. Petillo, Analytical Models of Transmission Probabilities for Electron Sources, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 065301 (2018). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5018602}
\bibitem{Jensen2018a} K.L. Jensen, A Tutorial on Electron Sources, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46, 1881 (2018). \url{https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2017.2782485}
\bibitem{Jensen2018b} K.L. Jensen, D. Finkenstadt, A. Shabaev, S.G. Lambrakos, N.A. Moody, J.J. Petillo, H. Yamaguchi, and F. Liu, A photoemission moments model using density functional and transfer matrix methods applied to coating layers on surfaces: Theory, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 045301 (2018). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5008600}
\bibitem{Liu2017} F. Liu, N.A. Moody, K.L. Jensen, V. Pavlenko, C.W. Narvaez Villarrubia, A.D. Mohite, and G. Gupta, Single layer graphene protective gas barrier for copper photocathodes, Applied Physics Letters 110, 041607 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4974738}
\bibitem{Harris2017} J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, J.J. Petillo, S. Maestas, W. Tang, and D.A. Shiffler, Practical Considerations in the Modeling of Field Emitter Arrays With Line Charge Distributions, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 203303 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4983680
doi: 10.1063/1.4983680}
\bibitem{Jensen2017c} K.L. Jensen, J.J. Petillo, S. Ovtchinnikov, D.N. Panagos, N.A. Moody, and S.G. Lambrakos, Modeling emission lag after photoexcitation, Journal of Applied Physics 122, 164501 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5008366}
\bibitem{Jensen2017h} K.L. Jensen, Introduction to the Physics of Electron Emission (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2017).
\bibitem{Zhu2017} W. Zhu, M. Cahay, R.G. Forbes, K.L. Jensen, S.B. Fairchild, T.C. Back, and P.T. Murry, Development of a Multiscale Model for the Field Electron Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Based Carbon Fibers, International Vacuum Electronics Conference (2017).
\bibitem{Li2017a} X. Li, M.S. Osofsky, K.L. Jensen, H.A. Li, and J.-P. Wang, Deposition and spin polarization study of Fe4N thin films with (111) orientation, AIP Advances 7, (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4991963}
\bibitem{Finkenstadt2017b} D. Finkenstadt, S.G. Lambrakos, K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, and N.A. Moody, Density of States of Cs3Sb Calculated Using Density-Functional Theory for Modeling Photoemission, Proceedings of the SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering (2017).
\bibitem{Jensen2017b} K.L. Jensen, J.J. Petillo, D.N. Panagos, S. Ovtchinnikov, and N.A. Moody, Delayed photo-emission model for beam optics codes, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 35, 02C102 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1116/1.4968511}
\bibitem{Jensen2017d} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, M. Peckerar, J.R. Harris, and J.J. Petillo, Current from a nano-gap hyperbolic diode using shape-factors: Theory, Journal of Applied Physics 122, 064501 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4997457}
\bibitem{Finkenstadt2017a} D. Finkenstadt, S.G. Lambrakos, K.L. Jensen, A. Shabaev, and N.A. Moody, Calculation of Density of States for Modeling Photoemission Using Method of Moments, Proceedings of the SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering 103740F (2017).
\bibitem{Jensen2017g} K.L. Jensen, An Introduction to the Physics and Applications of Electron Sources (Invited), IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) (2017).
\bibitem{Yamaguchi2017} H. Yamaguchi, F. Liu, J. DeFazio, C.W. Narvaez Villarrubia, D. Finkenstadt, A. Shabaev, K.L. Jensen, V. Pavlenko, M. Mehl, S. Lambrakos, G. Gupta, A.D. Mohite, and N.A. Moody, Active bialkali photocathodes on free-standing graphene substrates, NPJ 2D Materials and Applications 1, 12 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41699-017-0014-6}
\bibitem{Jensen2017f} K.L. Jensen, J.J. Petillo, D.N. Panagos, S. Ovtchinnikov, N.A. Moody, and A. Jensen, A Model of Photoemission Delay Mechanisms and Its Application to Beam Optics Codes, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) (2017).
\bibitem{Jensen2017a} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, J.R. Harris, I.M. Rittersdorf, and J.J. Petillo, 2D/3D image charge for modeling field emission, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 35, 02C101 (2017). \url{https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.4968007}
\bibitem{Tan2016} X. Tan, P. Rumbach, N. Griggs, K.L. Jensen, and D.B. Go, Theoretical analysis of 1D resonant tunneling behavior in ion-enhanced cold field and thermo-field emission, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 213301 (2016). \url{https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4971263}
\bibitem{Yater2016} J.E. Yater, K.L. Jensen, T.I. Feygelson, and B.B. Pate, Secondary Electron Transmission Studies of the Electron Diffusion and Thermalization Processes in Thin CVD Diamond Films, MRS Advances 1, 1081 (2016).
\bibitem{Jensen2016} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, J.R. Harris, and J.J. Petillo, Schottky’s conjecture, field emitters, and the point charge model, AIP Advances 6, 065005 / 1 (2016). \url{https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4953813}
\bibitem{Tan2016a} X. Tan, N. Griggs, P. Rumbach, D.B. Go, and K.L. Jensen, Resonant Tunneling Behavior In Ion-Enhanced Field and Thermo-Field Emission, ieeexplore.ieee.org (2016).
\bibitem{Tang2016} W.W. Tang, D.A. Shiffler, J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, K. Golby, M. LaCour, and T. Knowles, Field emission characteristics of a small number of carbon fiber emitters, AIP Advances 6, 095007 (2016). \url{https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4962921}
\bibitem{Harris2016a} J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, and D.A. Shiffler, Edge enhancement control in linear arrays of ungated field emitters, Journal of Applied Physics (2016).
\bibitem{Harris2016} J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, W. Tang, Shiffler, and D. A., Control of Bulk and Edge Screening Effects in Two-Dimensional Arrays of Ungated Field Emitters, Journal of Vacuum Science andTechnology B 34, 041215 (2016). \url{https://doi.org/10.1116/1.4953076}
\bibitem{Cahay2016a} M. Cahay, W. Zhu, S.B. Fairchild, K.L. Jensen, T.C. Back, G. Gruen, T. Murray, R.G. Forbes, J.R. Harris, D.A. Shiffler, and IEEE, A platform to optimize the field emission properties of carbon-nanotube-based fibers, 2016 29th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC) (2016).
\bibitem{Mics2015} Z. Mics, K.-J. Tielrooij, K. Parvez, S.A. Jensen, I. Ivanov, X. Feng, K. Müllen, M. Bonn, and D. Turchinovich, Thermodynamic picture of ultrafast charge transport in graphene, Nature communications 6, (2015). \url{https://doi.org/10.1038}
\bibitem{Harris2015c} J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, and J.J. Petillo, Shielding in ungated field emitter arrays, Applied Physics Letters 106, 201603 (2015).
\bibitem{Harris2015a} J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, and D.A. Shiffler, Modelling field emitter arrays using line charge distributions, Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics 48, 385203 / 1 (2015).
\bibitem{Jensen2015a} K.L. Jensen, J.L. Shaw, J.E. Yater, and B.B. Pate, Enhancing secondary yield of a diamond amplifier using a nitrogen layer, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 214501 (2015).
\bibitem{Shiffler2015} D.A. Shiffler, W. Tang, K.L. Jensen, K. Golby, M. LaCour, J.J. Petillo, and J.R. Harris, Effective field enhancement factor and the influence of emitted space charge, Journal of Applied Physics 118, 083302 / 1 (2015).
\bibitem{Jensen2015} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, I.M. Rittersdorf, J.L. Lebowitz, J.R. Harris, Y.Y. Lau, J.J. Petillo, W. Tang, and J.W. Luginsland, Discrete space charge affected field emission: Flat and hemisphere emitters, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 194902 / 1 (2015).
\bibitem{Harris2015b} J.R. Harris, K.L. Jensen, and D.A. Shiffler, Dependence of optimal spacing on applied field in ungated field emitter arrays, AIP Advances 5, 0871982 (2015).
\bibitem{Jensen2014} K.L. Jensen, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, edited by J.G. Webster (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2014), p. 1.
\bibitem{Jensen2014a} K.L. Jensen, D.A. Shiffler, J.J. Petillo, Z. Pan, and J.W. Luginsland, Emittance, surface structure, and electron emission, Physical Review Special Topics Accelerators and Beams 17, 043402 (2014). \url{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.043402}
\bibitem{Jensen2013a} K.L. Jensen, Scattering and the relationship between quantum efficiency and emittance, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 056101 (2013). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4790874}
\bibitem{Pan2013a} Z. Pan, K.L. Jensen, and E.J. Montgomery, Modeling the resupply, diffusion, and evaporation of cesium on the surface of controlled porosity dispenser photocathodes, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 104906 (2013). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4820262}
\bibitem{Pan2013} Z. Pan, and K.L. Jensen, Modeling the evaporation rate of cesium off tungsten based controlled porosity dispenser photocathodes, AIP Advances 3, 042105 (2013). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4800700}
\bibitem{Jensen2013b} K. Jensen, and A. Karch, Holographic dual of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair has a wormhole., Phys Rev Lett 111, 211602 (2013). \url{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.211602}
\bibitem{Keser2013} A.C. Keser, T.M. Antonsen, G.S. Nusinovich, D.G. Kashyn, and K.L. Jensen, Heating of Micro-protrusions in Accelerating Structures, Physical Review Special Topics Accelerators and Beams 16, 092001 / 1 (2013).
\bibitem{Jensen2012b} K.L. Jensen, J. Lebowitz, Y.Y. Lau, and J. Luginsland, Space charge and quantum effects on electron emission, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 054917 (2012). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3692577}
\bibitem{Pan2012} Z. Pan, K.L. Jensen, and P.G. O’Shea, Modeling the quantum efficiency of controlled porosity dispenser photocathodes, Applied Physics Letters 100, 034102 (2012). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3678035}
\bibitem{Petillo2012} J.J. Petillo, C. Kostas, D. Panagos, S. Ovtchinnikov, A. Burke, T.M. Antonsen, E.L. Wright, K.T. Nguyen, E. Nelson, B.L. Held, J.F. DeFord, K.L. Jensen, J.A. Pasour, B. Levush, and L. Ludeking, Electrostatic time-domain PIC simulations of RF density-modulated electron sources with MICHELLE, IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference / International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVEC/IVESC) 2012 341 (2012).
\bibitem{Jensen2012a} K.L. Jensen, A quantum dipole--modified work function for a simplified electron emission barrier, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 054916 / 1 (2012). \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3692571}
\bibitem{Jensen2011a} K.L. Jensen, Space charge, emittance, trajectories, and the modeling of field emitter arrays, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29, 02B101 (2011).
\bibitem{Yater2011} J.E. Yater, J.L. Shaw, K.L. Jensen, T. Feygelson, R.E. Myers, B.B. Pate, and J.E. Butler, Secondary electron amplification using single-crystal CVD diamond film, Diamond and Related Materials 20, 798 (2011). \url{https://doi.org/doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2011.03.040}
\bibitem{Ji2012} N. Ji, M.S. Osofsky, V. Lauter, L.F. Allard, X. Li, K.L. Jensen, H. Ambaye, E. Lara-Curzio, and J.-P. Wang, Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and high spin-polarization ratio in epitaxial Fe-N thin films, Physical Review B 84, 245310 (2011). \url{https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.84.245310}}, Article-Number = {{245310}
\bibitem{Jensen2011b} K.L. Jensen, E.W. Montgomery, D.W. Feldman, P.G. O’Shea, J.R. Harris, J.W. Lewellen, and N. Moody, Multiple scattering effects on quantum efficiency and response time for cesiated metal photocathodes, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 034504 (2011).
\bibitem{Jensen2010b} K.L. Jensen, Space charge effects in field emission: Three dimensional theory, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 014905 (2010).
\bibitem{Rokhlenko2010} A. Rokhlenko, K.L. Jensen, and J.L. Lebowitz, Space charge effects in field emission: One dimensional theory, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 014904 (2010).
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\bibitem{Petillo2010} J. Petillo, D. Panagos, S. Ovtchinnikov, A. Burke, C. Kostas, K. Jensen, B. Levush, B. Held, J. DeFord, and E. Nelson, 19.2: Modeling emission processes in the finite-element MICHELLE gun and collector simulation code, IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) 441 (2010).
\bibitem{Montgomery2009} E.J. Montgomery, Z.G. Pan, J. Leung, D.W. Feldman, P.G. O’Shea, and K.L. Jensen, Towards a Robust, Efficient Dispenser Photocathode: the Effect of Recesiation on Quantum Efficiency, Advanced Accelerator Concepts 1086, 599 (2009).
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\bibitem{Jensen2009b} K.L. Jensen, and E.J. Montgomery, Photoemission Theory and the Development of High Performance Photocathodes, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 6, 1754 (2009). \url{https://doi.org/doi:10.1166/jctn.2009.1241}
\bibitem{Levush2009} B. Levush, D. Abe, J. Calame, S. Cooke, K. Jensen, P. Larsen, J. Pasour, J. Shaw, A. Vlasov, J. Yater, K. Nguyen, D. Pershing, E. Wright, J. Antonsen, T., D. Chernin, I. Chernyavskiy, and J. Petillo, MMW to Upper-MMW Vacuum Electronics Research at NRL, 2009 34Th International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves (2009).
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\bibitem{Jensen2008} K.L. Jensen, B. Jensen, E.J. Montgomery, D.W. Feldman, P.G. O’Shea, and N.A. Moody, Theory of Photoemission From Cesium Antimonide Using an Alpha-semiconductor Model, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 044907 (2008).
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\bibitem{Montgomery2008} E.J. Montgomery, D.W. Feldman, P.G. O’shea, Z. Pan, N. Sennett, K.L. Jensen, and N.A. Moody, Advances in Cesium Dispenser Photocathodes: Modeling and Experiment, Journal of Directed Energy 3, 66 (2008).
\bibitem{Moody2007a} N.A. Moody, K.L. Jensen, D.W. Feldman, P.G. O’Shea, and E.J. Montgomery, Prototype Dispenser Photocathode: Demonstration and Comparison to Theory, Applied Physics Letters 90, 114108 (2007).
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\bibitem{Jensen2007} K.L. Jensen, in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Vol 149, edited by P. Hawkes (Elsevier, San Diego, CA, 2007), p. 1.
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