Faculty Directory

Ren, Shenqiang

Ren, Shenqiang

Graduate Program Director
Materials Science and Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
2125 Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building

Dr. Shenqiang Ren is Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, with research interests in materials-by-design, self-assembly and advanced manufacturing of multifunctional and stimuli-responsive materials for extreme environments. Dr. Ren earned his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science at the University of Maryland College Park, and then served as a postdoc fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received 2015 National Science Foundation – CAREER Award, 2014 Army Research Office – Young Investigator Award. 2014 RSC Emerging Investigator – Journal of Material Chemistry, 2009 Dean’s Doctoral Research Award at University of Maryland, College Park.