Faculty Directory

McGregor, Davis

McGregor, Davis

Assistant Professor
Fischell Fellow
A. James Clark School of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Maryland Applied Graduate Engineering
2153 Glenn L. Martin Hall


Dr. McGregor is interested in how software and data can be leveraged to improve manufacturing and part qualification. He investigates methods for automating metrology of diverse part geometries using computer vision and computational geometry, and is developing machine learning models for rapidly qualifying additively manufactured parts. He is especially interested in developing models for qualifying part designs that have never previously been made, enabling first-time-right manufacturing strategies for additive manufacturing.


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona

  • Advanced Manufacturing / Smart Manufacturing
  • Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing
  • Machine Learning
  • Metrology / Optical Metrology
  • Computer Vision / Machine Vision
  • Part Qualification
  • Biomedical Devices

ENME 437/697: Data Science in Manufacturing Quality Control

ENME 202: Computing Fundamentals for Engineers

ENME 416 / ENME 744: Additive Manufacturing

ENME 472: Integrated Product and Process Development


  1. Bimrose, M.V., T. Hu, D.J. McGregor, J. Wang, S. Tawfick, C. Shao, Z. Liu, and W.P. King. “Automatic detection of hidden defects and qualification of additively manufactured parts using X-ray computed tomography and computer vision.” Manufacturing Letters, 41, 1216-1224, 2024.

  2. Bimrose, M.V., T. Hu, D.J. McGregor, J. Wang, S. Tawfick, C. Shao, Z. Liu, and W.P. King. “Detecting and classifying hidden defects in additively manufactured parts using deep learning and X-ray computed tomography.” J. of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2024.

  3. Mehta, M., M.V. Bimrose, D.J. McGregor, W.P. King, and C. Shao. “Federated learning enables privacy-preserving and data-efficient dimension prediction and part qualification across additive manufacturing factories.” J. of Manufacturing Systems, 74, 752-761, 2024.

  4. Conway, C.H., D.J. McGregor, T. Antonsen, C. Wood, C. Shao, and W.P. King. “Geometry repeatability and prediction for personalized medical devices made using multi-jet fusion additive manufacturing.” Additive Manufacturing Letters, 9, 100200, 2024.

  5. McGregor, D.J., M.V. Bimrose, C. Shao, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King. “Using machine learning to predict dimensions and qualify diverse part designs across multiple additive machines and materials.” Additive Manufacturing, 55, 102848, 2022.

  6. McGregor, D.J., M.V. Bimrose, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King. “Large batch metrology on internal features of additively manufactured parts using X-ray computed tomography.” J. of Materials Processing Technology, 306, 117605, 2022.

  7. Yang, Y., D.J. McGregor, S. Tawfick, W.P. King, and C. Shao. “Hierarchical data models improve the accuracy of feature level predictions for additively manufactured parts.” Additive Manufacturing, 51, 102621, 2022.

  8. Moon, H., D.J. McGregor, N. Miljkovic, and W.P. King. “Ultra-power-dense heat exchanger development through genetic algorithm design and additive manufacturing.” Joule, 5(11), 3045-3056, 2021.

  9. Kiekens, K.C., D. Vega, H.T. Thurgood, D. Galvez, D.J. McGregor, T.W. Sawyer, and J.K. Barton. “Effect of an added mass on the vibration characteristics for raster scanning of a cantilevered optical fiber.” ASME J. of Medical Diagnostics, 4(2), 2021.

  10. McGregor, D.J., S. Rylowicz, A. Brenzel, D. Baker, C. Wood, D. Pick, H. Deutchman, C. Shao, S. Tawfick, and W.P. King. “Analyzing part accuracy and sources of variability for additively manufactured lattice parts made on multiple printers.” Additive Manufacturing, 40, 101924, 2021.

  11. King, W.P., et al“Emergency ventilator for COVID-19.” PLOS ONE, 15(12), e0244963, 2020.

  12. McGregor, D.J., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King. “Automated metrology and geometric analysis of additively manufactured lattice structures.” Additive Manufacturing, 28, 535-545, 2019.

  13. McGregor, D.J., S. Tawfick, and W.P. King. “Mechanical properties of hexagonal lattice structures fabricated using continuous liquid interface production additive manufacturing.” Additive Manufacturing, 25, 10-18, 2019.

  14. Tate, T.H., D.J. McGregor, and J.K. Barton. “Single lens system for forward-viewing navigation and scanning side-viewing optical coherence tomography.” Proc. SPIE 10040, Endoscopic Microscopy XII, 2017.


  1. King, W.P., S. Tawfick, M. Bimrose, C. Wood, and D.J. McGregor. “Conformance testing of manufactured parts via neural networks.” U.S. Patent No. 12125190, 2024 Oct 22.

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