Eun, Jongwan
Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
1159 Glenn L. Martin Hall, College Park, MD 20742
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.S.E, University of Texas at Austin
- B.S., M.S., Yonsei University
At the Geosystem Resilience and Infrastructure Transformation (GRIT) Lab, our overarching research objective is to investigate the intricate nexus of soil, water, and the environment, with a specific focus on addressing geotechnical and geoenvironmental challenges. Our mission is to enhance the resilience and sustainability of geosystems, enabling them to adapt to the multifaceted impacts of climate change.
- Soil-Water-Environment Nexus
- Vadose zone dynamics
- Unsaturated Behavior of Geomaterials
- Advanced Sensing for Geosystem
- Sustainable Geotechnics
- ENCE640 Adv. Soil Mechanics, 2024 Fall
- ENCE340 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering, 2025 Spring
- ENCE444 Experimental Methods in Geotechnical Structural Engineering, 2025 Spring
- Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun*, Seunghee Kim, Yong-Rak Kim, (2023) “Evaluation of Equivalent Thermal Conductivity for Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Bentonite through Experimental and Numerical Analysis.” Computers and Geotechnics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105880
- Mohammad Rahmani, Abdullah Azzam, Julia Grarsely, Yong-Rak Kim*, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, “Inverse Determination of Shrinkage and Fracture Properties of Bentonite Clay as a Buffer Material for Geological Repositories Using an Integrated DIC-FEM Approach.” Computers and Geotechnics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2024.106182
- Binyam Bekele, Chung Song*, Seunghee Kim, Jongwan Eun,“ Seepage Anomaly Detection via Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing: Insights from Physical and Numerical Modeling.” Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, https://doi.org/10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-11851
- K Park, B Golestani, BH Nam*, J Hou, Jongwan Eun, (2023). “Study on the Combined Effect of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash and Waste Shingle in Hot Mix Asphalt.” Materials, 17(1), p.46.
- Julia Grarsely, Abdullah Azzam, Mohammad Rahmani, Yong-Rak Kim*, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, (2023) “Experimental Investigation of Desiccation Behavior in Inorganic Microfiber-Reinforced Engineered Barrier Material (IMEBM) for Geological Repository of Nuclear Spent Fuel Using Digital Image Correlation.” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM (Accepted)
- Sina Mousavi, Jongwan Eun*, (2023) “A predictive modeling of MSW settlement employing hydraulic-thermal-mechanical-biochemical processes.” International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE 23, 6: 04023075.
- Yusuf Alhowaidi, Jongwan Eun*, Seunghee Kim, Chung Song, and Fouad Jaber (2023) “Field Monitoring and Analysis of Abutment Foundation Behavior for a Curved Integral Abutment Bridge under Thermal Loading.” Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board 03611981231159873.
- Haggerty, Ryan, Dong Zhang, Jongwan Eun, and Yusong Li*, “Characterization of Bubble Transport in Porous Media Using a Microfluidic Channel.” Water 15, no. 6 (2023): 1033.
- Annushka Aliev, Sinan Rasiya Koya, Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun, Elbert Traylor, and Tirthankar Roy*, (2023) “Application of Neural Networks for Hydrologic Process Understanding at a Midwestern Watershed” Hydrology 10, no. 2: 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology10020027
- Sina Mousavi, Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun*, Boohyun Nam (2023) “Effect of water retention properties of municipal solid waste on landfill stability.” International Journal of Geomechanics and Engineering, 33, 2: 141.
- Sina Mousavi, Jongwan Eun* (2022) “Experimental analysis of hydraulic-thermal-mechanical-biochemical processes on MSW settlement.” Journal of Waste Management and Research 41 (5), 1026-1035
- Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun*, Sunah Moon, Yunwoo Nam, (2022) “Assessment of gas dispersion near an operating landfill treated by different intermediate covers with soil alone, LLDPE, or EVOH geomembrane.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-16.
- Binyam Bekele, Chung Song*, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, (2022) “Exploratory seepage detection in a laboratory-scale earthen dam based on distributed temperature sensing method.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-022-02315-2
- Jongwan Eun*, Sina Mousavi, J.M. Tinjum, K. A. Rhohades (2022) “Effect of hydration process on water retention properties and unsaturated transport of chromium ore processing residue (COPR).” Environmental Geotechnics, ICE, https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.21.00070
- Hyunwoo Jin, Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun, Byung Hyun Ryu, Jangguen Lee* (2021) “Assessment of the Correlation between Segregation Potential and Hydraulic Conductivity with Fines Fraction.” Korean Geotechnical Society Journal, Vol.37, Issue 12 pp. 47-56 (in Korean)
- John Hartwell, Sina Mousavi, Jongwan Eun*, Shannon Bartelt-hunt, (2021) “Analysis of In-situ Municipal Solid Waste Properties with a Large-Diameter Borehole Method and a Borehole Caliper.” Journal of Waste Management and Research, doi.org/10.1177/0734242X211057012
- Mehmet Yilmaz, Jongwan Eun*, James M. Tinjum, Dante Fratta, (2021) “Serviceability analysis of shallow in-service on-shore wind turbine generator foundation.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-021-01938-1.
- M Sina Mousavi, Yuan Feng, Josh McCann, Jongwan Eun*, (2021) “In situ characterization of municipal solid waste using membrane interface probe (MIP) and hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) in an active and closed landfill.” Infrastructure, MDPI 6(3), 33; https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures6030033
- Jiannan Chen, Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun*, James M. Tinjum, (2021) “Long-term leaching characteristics of chromite ore processing residue using synthetic groundwater and rainwater.” Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.000062
- Jinwoo An, BooHyun Nam, Byoung Hooi Cho, Jongwan Eun*, (2021) “Effects of waste-to-energy bottom ash on cement hydration and leaching characteristics of concrete.” Journal of Air Waste Management Association, AWMA, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2021.1911874.
- John Hartwell, Sina Mousavi, Jongwan Eun*, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, (2020) “Evaluation of depth-dependent properties of municipal solid waste using a large diameter-borehole sampling method.” Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, https://doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2020.1848942
- Jongwan Eun, John S. McCartney*, D. Znidarčić, (2019) “Assessment of approaches to obtain ebullition pressures for organophilic clay blankets.” Geosynthetics International, ICE, 26 (5), 539-550 https://doi.org/10.1680/jgein.19.00042.
- Sina Mousavi, Siamak Mirfendereski, Jae Sung Park, Jongwan Eun*, (2019) “Numerical optimization of a sustainable farming compartment with an evaporative cooling system.” Processes, MDPI, MDPI, 7(11), 823; https://doi.org/10.3390/pr7110823
- Yuksel Yilmaz, Jongwan Eun*, Seyedmahdi Salehi Phanahi, Sina Mousavi, (2019) “Effect of height-to-diameter ratio (H/D) with various water contents on unconfined compressive strength of a clayey soil.” Engineering Geology, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.05.013
- Byungkwon Byun, Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Jongwan Eun, and Junhwan Lee*, (2019) “Stability of bioreactor landfills with leachate injection configuration and landfill material condition.” Computers and Geotechnics, Elsevier, 108, 234-243 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2019.01.006
- Yilmaz, Jongwan Eun*, Aysegul Goren, (2018) “Individual and combined effects of Portland cement and chemical-based agents on unconfined compressive strength of high plasticity clayey soil,” International Journal of Geomechanics and Engineering, Techno-Press, 16(4), 375-384 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12989/gae.2018.16.4.375
- Jongwan Eun*, James M. Tinjum, Craig H. Benson, Tuncer B. Edil, (2018) “Equivalent transport parameters of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in co-extruded geomembrane containing ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH).” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 144 (7) https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001888
- Jongwan Eun*, James M. Tinjum, Craig H. Benson, Tuncer B. Edil, (2017) “Methane emission through interim cover with a co-extruded geomembrane containing ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH).” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 144(2) DOI.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001298
- Jongwan Eun, James M. Tinjum*, Craig H. Benson, Tuncer B. Edil (2017), “Comparison of volatile organic compound transport in composite liners with HDPE and Ethylene–Vinyl Alcohol coextruded geomembranes.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001484
- A. Rhohades, Jongwan Eun, J. M. Tinjum*, (2016) “Transport of hexavalent chromium in the vadose zone by capillary and evaporative transport from chromium ore processing residue.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(4): 619-633, 10.1139/cgj-2015-0010
- M. Tasneem, Jongwan Eun*, BooHyun Nam, (2016) “Leaching behavior of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) mixed with hot-mix asphalt (HMA) and Portland cement concrete (PCC) used as road construction materials.” Road Material and Pavement Design, Taylor & Lloyd, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2016.1186108
- Jongwan Eun, Junhwan Lee* (2012), “Effect of soil parameters on elastic characteristics of subgrade materials.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 24(4): 409-417
- Junhwan Lee*, Jongwan Eun (2009), “Estimation of bearing capacity for multiple footings in sand.” Computers and Geotechnics, Elsevier, 36(4): 1000-1008.
- Junhwan Lee*, Jongwan Eun, Kyungsuk Lee, Younghwan Park, Minki Kim (2008), “In-situ evaluation of strength and dilatancy of sands based on CPT results.” Soils and Foundations, JGS. 48(2): 255-265.
- Junhwan Lee*, Jongwan Eun, Monica Peruzzi, Rodrigas Salgado (2008), “Strain influence diagram for settlement estimation of both isolated and multiple footings in sand.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 134(4): 417-427.
- Ali Behdad, Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun, “Evaluation of SWCC and SFCC of frozen soil using column test.” Paper submitted at the GeoFrontier ASCE, Louisville, Kenturkey, USA, March 2025.
- Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, Yong-Rak Kim, “Effect of Relative Humidity on Water Content and Volume Change in Buffer Blocks in Geological Repositories.” Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023.
- M. F. Calaunan, Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, Yong-Rak Kim, “Evaluation of Shearing Behavior of Inorganic Microfiber-Reinforced Bentonite for Engineered Barrier Materials.” Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023.
- Mohammad Rahmani, Yong-Rak Kim, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, “Inverse Determination of Shrinkage and Fracture Properties of Bentonite Clay.” Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023.
- Donghwa Noh, Seunghee Kim, Jongwan Eun, Yong-Rak Kim “Development of Permeability Testing Apparatus Under High Pressure and High Temperature.” Paper presented at the 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023.
- Yusuf Alhowaidi, Jongwan Eun*, Seunghee Kim “Field Monitoring of Soil Response for Curved Integral Abutment Bridge during Seasonal Temperature Changes” GeoCongress 2023, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 2023.
- Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, Yong-Rak Kim, (2022) “Comparison of Desiccation Cracks between Bentonite and Inorganic Microfiber Reinforced Bentonite for Engineered Barrier System.” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 124(1), pp.125-127.
- M. F. Calaunan; Jongwan Eun, Seunghee Kim, Yong-Rak Kim (2022) “Coupled Effect of Glass Microfiber Reinforcement and Temperature Elevation to the Swelling and Compressibility Characteristics of Bentonite.” Paper presented at the 56th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 2022. https://doi.org/10.56952/ARMA-2022-0751
- Sina Mousavi, Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun, “Field measurement of municipal solid waste properties using a direct injection method with hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) and cone penetration test (CPT) in a closed landfill.” GeoCongress 2022, ASCE, Charlotte. (accepted)
- Yuan Feng, Shikuo Chen, Jongwan Eun, “Stability analysis of jointed rock slope using finite element method (FEM) with the random-joints generation model.” GeoCongress 2020, ASCE, Minneapolis, USA. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482803.054
- Yuan Feng, Sina Mousavi, Jongwan Eun, “Field monitoring of landfill gas emission through an intermediate cover with co-extruded EVOH geomembrane in an operating landfill.” GeoCongress 2020, ASCE, Minneapolis, USA. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482827.022
- Mostafa Afzalian, Bryce Medhi, Jongwan Eun, Tom Medhi, “Retrofitting uplift capacity of telecommunication tower foundation with helical piles in dense granular soils.” GeoCongress 2020, ASCE, Minneapolis, USA. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482780.023
- Mostafa Afzalian, Yuan Feng, Jongwan Eun, “Field-scale modeling of landfill gas emission through intermediate cover with gas collection system.” Geosynthetics 2019, IFAI, Houston. http://toc.proceedings.com/50541webtoc.pdf
- Mostafa Afzalian, Jongwan Eun, J.M. Tinjum “Evaluation of bimodal water retention characteristics for hydrating Chromium Ore Processing Residue (COPR).” GeoCongress 2019, ASCE, Philadelphia, USA. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784482124.076
- Sina Mousavi, Jongwan Eun, “Diffusive transport of volatile organic compounds coupled with temperature and chemical change through multi-barriers.” 11th ICG 2018, IGS, Seoul. http://toc.proceedings.com/53284webtoc.pdf
- Jongwan Eun, K. A. Rhoades, James M. Tinjum, and David Gee “Bimodal soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) for hydrating Chromium Ore Processing Residue (COPR).” ICSMGE 2017, ISSMGE, Seoul.1141-1145.
- Yilmaz, Jongwan Eun, Aysegul Goren “Evaluation of unconfined compressive strength for high plasticity clayey soil mixed with cement and dispersive agents,” Grouting 2017: Grouting, Deep Mixing, and Diaphragm Walls, ASCE, Honolulu, USA. 270-279.
- Jongwan Eun, Mehmet Yilmaz, J. M. Tinjum, C. H. Benson, “Temperature effect on transport parameter of co-extruded geomembrane containing ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH).” Geo-Frontier 2017, ASCE, Orlando, USA. 302-312.
- Jongwan Eun, Ranjiv Gupta, Jorge Zornberg, “Long-term leaching characteristics of chromite ore processing residue using synthetic groundwater.” Geo-Frontier 2017, ASCE, Orlando, USA. 236-246.
- Jinwoo, Jongwan Eun, BooHyun Nam, “Leaching behavior of concrete containing municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash.” Geo-Frontier 2017, ASCE, Orlando, USA. 334-342.
- Jongwan Eun, Mehmet Yilmaz, J. M. Tinjum, C. H. Benson, “Hydrogen sulfide transport through interim cover with co-extruded geomembrane containing Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH).” Geo-Chicago 2016, ASCE, 51-58, Chicago, USA. 51-58.
- Jongwan Eun, Jiannan Chen, J. M. Tinjum, “Long-term leaching characteristics of chromite ore processing residue using synthetic groundwater.” Geo-Chicago 2016, ASCE, 411-420, Chicago, USA.
- Jongwan Eun, Sam Helwany, KC Lakshyana, “Development of sustainable farming compartment with treated wastewater in Abu Dhabi.” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2016, 10(6), 688-693, Dubai, UAE.
- Mehmet Yilmaz, Jongwan Eun, J. M. Tinjum, D. Fratta, “In-service behavior of soil underlying shallow wind turbine generator foundation.” XV Pan-American Conference 2015, 1965 – 1972, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- BooHyun Nam, Kazi M. Tasneem, and Jongwan Eun, “Sustainable utilization of MSWI bottom ash as road construction materials, Part II: chemical and environmental characterization.” Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2015, ASCE, 593 – 604, Miami, USA.
- Jongwan Eun, J. M. Tinjum, C. H. Benson, T. B. Edil, “Volatile organic compound (VOC) transport through composite liner with co-extruded geomembrane containing ethylene vinyl-alcohol (EVOH).” Geo-Congress 2014, ASCE, 1960 – 1969, Atlanta, USA.
- Jongwan Eun, J. M. Tinjum, “Variation in air entry suction of nonwoven geotextiles with pore size distribution.” The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on unsaturated soil, ISSMGE, Nov. 14-16, 2011, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Jongwan Eun, J. M. Tinjum, “Unsaturated transport of ebullition gas through sediment capping geotextiles and sand.” The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on unsaturated soil, ISSMGE, Nov. 14-16, 2011, Pattaya, Thailand.
- H. Lee, Jongwan Eun, M. Peruzzi, and R. Salgado, “Settlement estimation of multiple footings in sand.” The 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, May 9-11, 2010, California, USA.