Faculty Directory

Goulias, Dimitrios G.

Goulias, Dimitrios G.

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
1182 A Glenn L. Martin Hall


  • Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
  • M.S.C.E., University of Michigan
  • Laurea, Universita Degli Study Della Calabria


Leadership Appointments

Committee Chair, Awards Commiittee, A.J.Clark College of Engineering Senate, University of Maryland                                                                                                     2024 - present         

Committee Chair, AKC30 Quality Assurance Management, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences                                                                2023- present

Committee Research Coordinator, CRC, AKC30 Quality Assurance Management, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of  Sciences                2017 –present

Associate Editor, Transportation Research Record Journal,  Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences (SAGE)                                               2021-present

Associate Editor, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Amercian Sociary of Civil Engineers (ASCE)                                                                                                           2023-present

Guest Editor, Journal of Sustainability, “Impact of Recycled Materials on Infrastructure Performance & Sustainability.”                                                                                      2024-present

Chief Guest Editor, Journal of Sustainability, “Using Recycled Materials from Waste and By-Products in Road Construction.”                                                                       2022-2023

Guest Editor, Journal of Sustainability, “Recycled Materials and Infrastructure Sustainability."                                                                                                                 2020-2021

Associate Editor (assessor).  Journal of Construction Materials, Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE, UK.                                                                                                   1999-2007

Head, Civil Engineering Unit, ATINER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2016 -present

Chair, Annual International Civil Engineering Conference, ATINER                                                                                                                                                                                      2018-present




Recent News

Goulias,  2024-2025 Chair of the "Nominations and Awards Committee, A.J. Clark  College of Engineering.



National Academy of Science, Transportation Research Board, TRB

2023 Chair, ACK30 Committee, Quality  Assurance Management



Goulias Tapped to Develop Renewable Construction Materials





Safer Roads:



ACI Smart Brief:

Goulias International cooperation with Polish researchers on rock dust in cement and concrete showcased in ACI SmartBrief:



Other Media News:

Washington Post





Awards, Professional Activities, Editorship

2021 Teaching Award - College of Engineering



Associate Editor, Transportation Research Record Journal (IF=2.019)




Chief Guest Editor, Journal of Sustainability, (IF=3.889)

“Recycled Materials and Infrastructure Sustainability"



Guest Editor, Journal of Sustainability, (IF=3.889)

“Green Infrastructure and Recycled Materials Sustainability"



Topic Editor, Frontiers in Built Environment Journal

“Using Recycled Materials from Waste and By-Products in Road Construction.”



Incoming Committee Chair & Committee Research Coordinator, CRC, TRB AKC30 Quality  Assurance Management

2022 Blue Ribbon Committee Award on Research



Head Civil Engineering Unit & Annual International Civil Engineering Conference, ATINER



Podcast: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, YIT,

"US Infrastructure & Innovative Technologies. "Episode 65. Interviewee, June 24, 2022



  • Condition assessment of infrastructure and materials through non-destructive testing, NDT;
  • Non-destructive-based QA/QC systems
  • Quality assurance risk assessment, performance specifications, and pay factors
  • Recycled materials and Infrastructure Sustainability
  • Highway materials performance assessment
  • Machine Learning in Performance Predictions of Bridge Decks & Highway Materials



Whiting-Turner Infrastructure Engineering Laboratories

Materials, Pavements & NDT Labs

Testing Systems                                                                                                                    

  • MTS servohydraulic closed loop 300 kip*                                                                
  • Instron  servohydraulic closed loop  100 kip*                                                    
  • UPM  servohydraulic closed loop with Env Chamber 100 kip*                                                                           
  • ELE Compression 120 kip                                                                                          
  • Humbolt Compression 180 kip                                                                                  
  • Non Destructive Testing (10): resonance frequency RTG, impact echo IE, array pulse echo UPE , E-meter, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (2), Ground Penetrating Radar GPR, 2D Traverse Imaging, Thermal imaging, FLIR camera.            
  • AIMS 3D Laser imaging                                                                                             
  • LWD                                                                                                                            
  • Maturity instrumentation                                                                                                                                                                              
  • Mortar Testing Equipment                                                                                

* (servo-hydraulic DAQ and controllers, actuators, hydraulics and maniforlds, software). 


Sample Preparation & Conditioning

  • Gyratory Compactors (2)                                                                                             
  • PCC Freeze Thaw PCC system                                                                                   
  • Freeze Thaw 3cf programmable                                                                                  
  • RH variable conditioning (2)                                                                                       
  • RH 100% curing high capacity (2)                                                                              
  • RTFOT                                                                                                                          
  • Sieve shakers high capacity (3)                                                                                   
  • Sieve shakers low capacity (2)                                                                                     
  • Mortar instrumentation                                                                                                
  • PCC & HMA mixers (6)                                                                                             
  • Coring systems (2)                                                                                                       
  • Sample prep accessories                                                                                              
  • Humboldt Compactor                                                                                                  
  • Microduval                                                                                                                            
  • Oven high capacity (2)                                                                                              
  • SG setup                                                                                                                       
  • Fabricating/ Machining stations (5)                                                                                     
  • Sample prep accessories/ air content, slump, permeability, scales, other.                           


Data Acquisition & Instrumentation:

  • DAQs, filtering modules, signal acquisition meters, LVDTs, strain gages, pressure cells, proving rings, other                                                                                    
  • Transducers, load cells, LVDT, linear potentiometer, strain gages,  thermocouples, accelerometers.                                                                           
  • PCC Extensometer 2D                                                                                                  
  • SmartJig (with pressure cell/LVDT)                                                                           
  • Software: Labview, FlexTest,Bluehill, Geostudio other.                                           





Auto Shredder Residue for Renewable Construction Materials (Low Carbon Transportation Materials, LCTM initiative).

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Joseph Smith & Sons Inc






Evaluating Correlation Between Slip Resistance and Skid Resistance of Pavement Markings at Crosswalks

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Performance of Ultra Thin Bonded Wearing Course (UTBWC) During Winter Snow Ice Events

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Evaluating Maryland Asphalt Mixtures Using Balanced Mix Design for Durable Pavements

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Data Mining in Transportation Geomaterials & Infrastructure Health Monitoring Through Machine Learning

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland Transportation Institute (USDOT)




Implementation of Ground Penetrating Radar for Condition Assessment & Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure Components of Bridges & Highways Phase I to Phase III

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Development of a Manual using Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) & Case Studies on Precast Concrete Elements in Highway Construction

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Federal Highway Administration

Objective of this project is to develop a guidance manual for State Highway Agencies (SHA) for non-structural precast concrete elements for highway construction.  The manual will provide effective uses for different types of non-destructive testing and inspection. Furthermore, it is the objective of the project to document three case studies of SHAs non-structural precast concrete elements acceptance programs. The case studies shall allow SHAs to utilize guidance for developing effective acceptance programs. Thus, the specific objectives are: (i) develop recommended procedures for nondestructive testing (NDT) of completed precast concrete elements; and (ii) document three case histories of acceptable and reasonable acceptance programs.

UPV and GPR - NDT testing

UPV and GPR - NDT testing

UPV and GPR - NDT testing

UPV and GPR - NDT testing

UPV and GPR - NDT testing

UPV and GPR–NDT Testing at Precast Concrete Elements



Effective Implementation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Condition Assessment & Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure Components of Bridges and Highways

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.



Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The objective of this study is to assist State Highway Administration (SHA) engineers, technicians, and decision makers in their current effort to explore the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in assessing the condition of critical infrastructure components and to identify potential improvements in GPR data analysis. With regard to pavement structures, a new methodology is suggested to improve the accuracy of GPR data analysis. The initial analysis and results indicate that this new method, Multi-scale Pavement GPR data Analysis (MPGA), has the potential to add value and accuracy to pavement thickness data used in pavement management and rehabilitation analysis. For bridge deck evaluation, the need to capture moisture effects and detailed depth information are imperative.  The use of advanced GPR data analysis techniques such as migration imaging (for concrete cover depth measurement applications among others), Fourier analysis of GPR waveforms (for qualitative bridge deck moisture analysis) and emerging techniques such as Short Time Fourier Transform analysis (for anticipated quantitative moisture analysis) are suggested. Current quality control (QC) on precast concrete elements is based on plant inspections and periodic audits that have important limitations.  Specifically, current precast quality assurance practices include labor intensive activities and sporadic inspections with the potential to miss important problems. This study examines how GPR can be used to address several of the inspection applications needed in precast concrete production, including an evaluation of concrete cover depth, reinforcement location and section thickness. The work under this multiyear project was undertaken in cooperation with ADOJAM and Starodub Inc.


GPR Pavement Thickness Evaluation using MPGA Analysis (US15)

Bridge Deck GPR Evaluation with Migration Analysis—Deterioration & Moisture Effects (Route 290)


GPR Data Analysis of a Precast Concrete Wall Panel: Integrated 2 to 3 Inch Depth

Note: Plan View Migrated Results (Hot/Red Color Map); Individual Alpha Numeric Scans (Gray Color Map)





High Performance Concrete Pavements

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.

Schwartz, Charles W.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The objective of the study was to examine the benefits of using innovative pavement concrete mixtures for enhancing the flexural fatigue resistance and improving the shrinkage behavior of concrete pavement mixtures. The study was sponsored by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under "Test and Evaluation Project 30" (TE-30), "High Performance Concrete Pavement" (HPCP) and by the Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA). In addition, the concrete industry is actively involved in this significant and innovative effort.

The study included extensive laboratory evaluation of several experimental fiber reinforced concrete and low shrinkage mixtures. Selected concrete mixtures from the laboratory study were used in the construction of test sections in the Salisbury bypass on US-50 for evaluating their performance under in-service loading and environmental conditions. Pavement instrumentation was also installed and includes: concrete strain gages for measuring slab surface stains under traffic loadings; linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) to measure concrete slab deflections under traffic; thermocouples to measure concrete slab temperature profile; vibrating wire gages to measure long term strains in the concrete slabs; and Whitmore plugs to measure changes in joint width. The constructed instrumented experimental pavement sections are currently undergoing load testing. Profile measurements of diurnal (temperature curling) and seasonal (moisture warping) slab changes are also included as part of the field monitoring program. The analytical portion of the study included finite element analysis (FEM) for both pre-construction predictions of expected pavement response and post construction monitoring of the experimental concrete slabs. Particular emphasis is placed on comparisons of stiffness degradation rates between the fatigue test section and the control section and on differences in temperature curling and moisture warping between the shrinkage test section and the control section.

field instrumentation

Field Instrumentation at US-50


Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Paving US-50 with experimental Fiber Reinforced Concrete



Increasing Durability of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements Designed with the Superpave System

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.

Schwartz, Charles W.


Maryland State Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration

State Highway Administration (SHA) concerns with the lower asphalt levels in HMA mixes have lead efforts to explore strategies to increase the asphalt content in Superpave mixes. National studies identified methods for adjusting binder content without compromising rutting performance of asphalt mixtures and remaining loyal to the Superpave philosophy. The applicability of these methods to Maryland SHA conditions were addressed based on the findings of recent National Cooperative Highway Research Program projects, ongoing discussions with SHA engineers, and experts’ feedback in this area. Furthermore, this study addressed the differences in HMA properties that have been observed over the years between samples taken at the plant versus behind the paver. A large set of SHA QA and QC data was analyzed statistically in the context of current specifications and pay factors to evaluate potential risks to both SHA and contractors. The research team developed the Operating Characteristic (OC) curves based on the QA data and for estimating the risks to SHA and contractors (Type I and II risks). With the aid of a new simulation tool the associated pay factors (PF) and expected pay (EP) were analyzed using the population characteristics and considering potential correlations between the HMA mix parameters. 






Material Quality Assurance Risk Assessment

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Administration

Federal Highway Administration

Objective of this study is to assess current quality control and quality assurance, QC/QA, procedures for a variety of highway materials, (including graded aggregate bases, GAB, precast concrete for drainage structures, structural steel, rebars, coatings, and neoprene strip seals), in regards to: a) conformance in relation to the federal requirements CFR 637 – Title 23 for defining QA plans, Independent Assurance (IA) procedures, and material certification; b) identify potential improvements to existing SHA QA plans; c) assess product variability based on production QC data; and, d) quantify risks related to material acceptance data with Operating Characteristics (OC) Curves. 

Click the below thumbnail images to view each graph.





New Technology-Based Approach to Advance Higher Volume Fly Ash Concrete with Acceptable Performance

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


U.S. Department of Energy, Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC)

This research project is undertaken with the National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA) and concrete experts in maturity. It suggests novel science-based approaches to address the slower rate of strength gain and delayed setting times of HVFA concrete. This project will address the two major stumbling blocks, lower early-age strengths (less than 7 days) and delayed initial setting times, which prevent the large scale utilization of HVFA concrete. Objectives of the project are: to demonstrate by using a maturity based approach that HVFA concrete in the structure has sufficient early-age strengths to allow for optimized construction scheduling; and to demonstrate that by using some suitable chemical admixtures or additions the initial setting times of Class C fly ash concrete is not delayed. Based on these approaches a step by step procedure will be developed that the concrete producer and the construction team can adopt to manage the resulting properties of HVFA concrete during mixture development and construction scheduling. The project includes extensive filed and laboratory testing with instrumentation related to the maturity concept of concrete, and non destructive testing of concrete using the pull out method.

field instrumentation

Preparation of Instrumented Concrete Blocks with pullout inserts and I-buttons for Maturity testing


Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Sure Cure System and Concrete Cylinders



Recycled Material Availability in Maryland

Principal Investigator(s) 

Goulias, Dimitrios G.

Aydilek, Ahmet H.



Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Currently the use of recycled materials in highway applications is limited due to regulatory, environmental, and technical restrictions on their potential use. The lack of performance information when these recycled materials are used in highway applications is also a major stumbling block. It is the objective of this research to (i) identify such constraints and propose methods to reduce or eliminate those restrictions, (ii) document the state of the art practice on the use of the selected recycled materials, (iii) review the known performance of each listed recycled material based on past experience, and (iv) develop the technical requirements for their safe use in alternative applications of highway projects for Maryland conditions.

Recycled Material

Crushed Returned Concrete Aggregate (CCA)



Design and Evaluation of Foamed Asphalt Base Materials

Principal Investigators

Schwartz, Charles.

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Establish Correlation between Aggregate Properties and Pavement Friction

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



Catalog of Material Properties for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design

Principal Investigators

Schwartz, Charles.

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Passive Wireless Concrete Maturity Monitor

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland Industrial Partnership Program, (MIPS)



Evaluation of Aggregate for Masonry Mortar: Aggregate Characteristics & Impact on Mortar Properties: ICAR

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, (NSSGA).



Technical Support for Ride Quality Specification

Principal Investigators

Schwartz, Charles.

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Maryland State Highway Authority (MSHA)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)



High Performance Portland Cement Concrete for Airfield Pavements

Principal Investigator

Goulias, Dimitrios G.


Minta Martin Grant Award


Recent Journal Publications (last 6 years)

Graduate Students

Zhao Y .,$  Goulias D., and  Karimi S.$ (2024) “Balancing Acceptance Risks and PF thorough Dynamic Modulus based Performance Predictions Models.” Transportation Research Record (accepted).


Zhao, Y.†, Goulias, D. (2024). Factors Affecting Winter Performance of Ultra-Thin Bonded Wearing Course (UTBWC). International Journal of Pavement Engineering.



Barraj, F., Bilani, M., Hatoum, A., Assaad, J., Goulias, D. (2024). Aging Behavior and Long-Term Performance: A Comparative Study of Hot Mix vs, Chemical Warm Mix Asphalt.  Innovative infrastructure Solutions Journal.



Akhter, A.,†  Goulias, D.  (2024). Development of a Mix Design Approach for  for Mixtures with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, RAP, Materials. Sustainability Journal.



Saremi, S.†, Goulias, D., Zhao, Y.† (2023). Development of Alternative Sequence Classification Networks for Predicting Condition Rating of Bridge Decks. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.




Zhao, Y.†, Goulias, D. (2023). Evaluation of Acceptance Risks and Rewards for Highway Materials Using Statistical Power Analysis. International Journal of Pavement Engineering.



Zhao, Y.†, Goulias, D., Saremi, S.† (2023). Enhancing Prediction Accuracy of Concrete Compressive Strength using Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning. Computers and Concrete.



Dobiszewska, M., Bagcal, O., Beycioglu A., Goulias, D., et.al. (2023). Utilization of Rock Dust as Cement Replacement in Cement Composites: An alternative approach to sustainable mortar and concrete productions. Journal of Building Engineering.



Gagarin, N., Goulias, D., Mekemson, J.  (2023). Condition Rating of Bridge Decks with Fuzzy Sets Modeling for SF-GPR Surveys.  Remote Sensing.




Saremi, S.†, Goulias, D. (2023). Non-Destructive Testing in Concrete Maturity Modeling and Master Curve Development.  Applied Sciences.



Barraj, F., Mahfouz, S., Kassem, H., Khatib J., Goulias, D. et.al. (2023). Investigation of Using Crushed Glass Waste as Filler Replacement in Hot Asphalt Mixtures. Sustainability Journal.



Setare, S.†, Goulias, D., Akhter, A.† (2022). Non Destructive Testing in Quality Assurance of Concrete for Assessing Production Uniformity. Transportation Research Record Journal. 2677(1).



Cafiso, S., Di Graziano, A., Goulias, D. Pappa;ardo G. (2022). Data Fusion of Non-destructive Testing Methods for Bridge Deck Condition Assessment. Open Transportation Journal, 16(1).



Zhao, Y.†, Goulias, D., Dobiszewska, M., Modrzynski P. (2022). Life-Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Using Rock Dust as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate and Cement in Concrete Pavements. Sustainability Journal.



Dobiszewska, M., Bagcal, O., Beycioğlu, A., Goulias, D. (2022). Influence of rock dust additives as fine aggregate replacement on cement composites properties. Materials Journal. 16(8).



Zhao, Y.,† Goulias, D. (2021). Evaluation of Acceptance Risks through Percent Within Limits for Highway Materials and Pavement Construction. Transportation Research Record Journal. 2675(9).



Zhao, Y.,† Goulias, D. (2021). Pay Factor Analysis for Highway Pavements through Percentage of Materials within Specification Limits and Monte Carlo Simulation. Transportation Reearch Record Journal. 2675(11).



Zhao, Y.,† Goulias, D., Peterson, D.† (2021). Recycled Asphalt Pavement Materials in Transport Pavement Infrastructure: Sustainability Analysis & Metrics. Sustainability Journal. 13(14). "Editors Choice Award"



Zhao, Y.,† Goulias, D., Teffa, L., Bassani, M. (2021). Life Cycle Economic and Environmental Impacts of CDW Recycled Aggregates in Roadway Construction and Rehabilitation. Journal of Sustainability. 13(15).



Saremi, S.,† Goulias, D. (2020). Concrete Strength Gain Monitoring with Non-Destructive Methods for Potential Adoption in Quality Assurance. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 260, 1-7.



Goulias, D., Cafiso, Di Graziano A., Saremi S.,† Currao V.†  (2020). Condition Assessment of Bridge Decks through Ground Penetration Radar in Bridge Management Systems. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 34(5).



Gagarin, N., Goulias, D., Mekemson, J.,  et.al. (2020). Development of a Novel Methodology for Assessing Bridge Deck Conditions Using Step Frequency Antenna Array Ground Penetrating Radar. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities Journal. 34(5).



Goulias, D., Peterson, D.,† Zhao, Y.† (2020). Holistic Approach for Generating and Assessing Sustainable Rehabilitation Strategies in Roadway Construction. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research. 10(6).



Cafiso, S., Di Graziano, A., Goulias, D., Mangiameli, M. et.al. (2020). Implementation of GPR and TLS data for the Assesment of the Bridge Slab Geometry and reinforcement. Archives of Civil Engineering Journal, 66(1).



Zhao Y.,† Goulias D.(2019) “Systematic Assessment of Sustainability Strategies in Highway Projects through Parametric Analysis.” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research. 9(9). pp13-20



Cafiso S., Di Graziano A., Goulias D., D’Agostino C. (2019) “Distress and Profile Data Analysis for Condition  Assessment in Pavement Management Systems.” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology.” 12(5). pp527-536.



Saremi S., † Goulias D. Akhter A.† (2019) “Incorporating Non-Destructive Testing Methods in Concrete Production for Strength Gain Assessment.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Development. 15(4). pp45-51



Goulias D., Awoke, G.“Novel Approach to Pavement Friction Analysis with Advanced Statistical Methods using Structural Equation Modeling.” (2018) International Journal of Pavement Engineering, (IF=4.178).  21(2). pp236-245.



Goulias, D., Zhang Y., Aydilek A. (2018) “Sustainability Assessment of Roadways through Economic and Environmental Impact Life Cycle Analysis.” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research.  8(12). pp1-8.



Goulias, D., Karimi  S., Schwartz C. (2018) “Assessing Specification Pay Schedules through Monte Carlo Simulation.” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research.  8(10). pp1-10.



Goulias D., Awoke, G. (2018) “Methodology for Predicting Pavement Friction deterioration for Triggering Preventive Maintenance.” International Journal of Pavements, 17(1-2-3).

Goulias Tapped to Develop Renewable Construction Materials

 UMD faculty member aims to convert residues produced during auto recycling.

Better Roads, Safer Driving

UMD researchers partner with Maryland’s SHA to develop an improved pavement mix design procedure.

Goulias: Innovation Can Help Meet Infrastructure Challenges

UMD expert is featured on the Yesterday Today Tomorrow show.

New Research Showcased at TRB

Transportation safety, impact of telecommuting among topics covered by UMD experts.

Maryland Engineering Mourns Matthew Witczak, Professor Emeritus

A former civil and environmental engineering chair, Witczak built the department’s pavement engineering curriculum.

Student Researchers Recognized with Wylie Dissertation Fellowships

Fourteen Clark School students pursuing their Ph.D.s in engineering have been awarded Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships by the University of Maryland Graduate School.

Five Clark School Students Awarded Summer Research Fellowships

Research fellowships provide support to UMD doctoral students at mid-career (i.e., in the period approximately before, during, or after achievement of candidacy).

Goulias Honored for Teaching Excellence

CEE faculty member wins Poole and Kent Teaching Award.

Data-Driven Research, Pandemic Impact Highlighted at TRB

UMD researchers presented new findings, tools, and technologies, including a COVID-19 Impact Dashboard that leverages mobile device data.

Monitoring Bridge Wear and Tear—With Radar

CEE professor Dimitrios Goulias is using computer algorithms and machine learning to support a promising new approach.

Engineering Sustainable Solutions…Globally!

CEE professors led sustainability-focused study abroad programs in Iceland and Italy.

CEE Experts Active at TRB 97th Annual Meeting

Faculty, staff, and students gave more than 50 presentations during the four-day event.

Clark School Students Invited to Apply for Summer Engineering Courses in Czech Republic, Italy

Applications for three-credit technical electives due March 1, 2016.

CEE Launches Infrastructure Engineering Laboratories Renovation Initiative

CEE to redesign virtual and physical infrastructure engineering laboratories.

UMD Team Awarded Grant to Support International Collaboration

New grant supports research between UMD and Politecnico di Torino, Italy in sustainable, safe, and smart infrastructures.

Transportation Research Board (TRB)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)