Faculty Directory

Wang, Chunsheng

Wang, Chunsheng

R.F. and F.R. Wright Distinguished Chair
UMD Director of Center for Research in Extreme Batteries (CREB)
Affiliate Fellow (REFI)
Fellow, Electrochemical Society
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices
3236 Kim Engineering Building (KEB)


Ph.D., Zhejiang University, China, 1995



  • Highly Cited Researcher (Top 1%) in Chemistry and Materials, Clarivate Web of Science, 2018-2023

  • A. James Clark School of Engineering Senior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, University of Maryland, 2024

  • Fellow, The Electrochemical Society, 2023
  • Battery Division Research Award, 2021, The Electrochemical Society
  • UMD’s Invention of the Year, 2015, 2021
  • 2020: Top 10 Battery Researchers to Watch, The Electrochemical Society
  • Robert Franklin and Frances Riggs Wright Distinguished Chair, 2018
  • Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, 2013 
  • Sigma Xi (Tennessee Technological University Chapter) Research Award, 2006
  • NASA Technology Brief Patent Application and Software Release Award, 2004



Rechargeable batteries, Applied electrochemistry, Fuel cells, electroanalytical technologies, Nanostructured materials, Electrochemical gas separation and compression

Professor Wang's research interests are electroanalytical technologies, advanced materials for rechargeable batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors. He has published over 340 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Science, Nature, Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, Science Advance, Joule, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials. His research has been cited more than 56000 times and has an H-index of 123.
In collaboration with ARL scientists, he achieved the scientific breakthrough in electrolyte materials with the invention of water-in-salt electrolytes for Li-ion batteries (Science 2015) and transition metal-free cathode chemistry based on halide-graphite conversion-intercalation (Nature 2019), and Zn-air batteries (Nature Materials, 2018), which opened an entirely new area of high voltage aqueous electrochemistry and batteries that never existed before, and has inspired many researchers to follow.  He also developed a fluorinated electrolyte to form LiF-rich solid-electrolyte-interphase (SEI) on anode and Cathode-electrolyte-interphase (CEI) on the high-voltage cathode to stabilize electrodes (Nature Nanotechnology, 2018). This new design philosophy of SEI sets the foundation for new battery chemistries for years to come.

For more information about current research projects, please visit Professor Wang's web site.

Professor Wang currently teaches or has taught the following courses:

  • CHBE 301Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
  • ENCH 473: Electrochemical Energy Engineering
  • ENCH 437: Chemical Engineering Laboratory
  • ENCH 808/ENPM 808/ENCH648k: Advanced Fuel Cells and Batteries

Professor Wang also advises the department's  undergraduate Chem-E Car team, which took first place at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ (AIChE) mid-Atlantic Regional Conference's Chem-E Car Competition in 2011, and second place at the regional competition in 2012.

Selected Publications as a corresponding author

Click on the Researcher ID or Google Scholar to view all publications, citations, and H-index

  1. D. Lu, R. Li, M. M. Rahman, P. Yu, L. Lv, S. Yang, Y. Huang, C. Sun, S. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Xiao, T. Deng, L. Fan, L. Chen, J. Wang, E. Hu, C. Wang, X. Fan, Ligand-channel-enabled ultrafast Li-ion conduction, Nature2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07045-4
  2. W. Zhang, V. koverga, S. Liu, J. Zhou, J. Wang, P. Bai, S. Tan, N. K. Dandu, Z. Wang, F. Chen, J. Xia, H. Wan, X. Zhang, H. Yang, B. L. Lucht, A.-M. Li, X.-Q. Yang, E. Hu, S. R. Raghavan, A. T. Ngo, C. Wang, Single-phase local-high-concentration solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-metal batteries, Nature Energy2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01443-0
  3. Z. Wang, J. Xia, X. Ji, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, X. He, W. Zhang, H. Wan, C. Wang, Lithium anode interlayer design for all-solid-sate lithium-metal batteries, Nature Energy2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01426-1
  4. H. Wan, J. Xu, C. Wang, Designing electrolytes and interphases for high-energy lithium batteries, Nature reviews chemistry2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41570-023-00557-z
  5. H. Wan, Z. Wang, W. Zhang, X. He, C. Wang, Interface design for all-solid-state lithium batteries, Nature2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06653-w
  6. J. Xu, J. Zhang, T. P. Pollard, Q. Li, S. Tan, S. Hou, H. Wan, F. Chen, H. He, E. Hu, K. Xu, X.-Q. Yang, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Electrolyte design for Li-ion batteries under extreme operating conditions, Nature2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05627-8

  7. H. Wan, Z. Wang, S. Liu, B. Zhang, X. He, W. Zhang, C. Wang, Critical interphase overpotential as a lithium dendrite-suppression criterion for all-solid-state lithium battery design, Nature Energy, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01231-w. Research Briefing.
  8. C. Yang, J. Xia, C. Cui, T. P. Pollard, J. Vatamanu, A. Faraone, J. A. Dura, M. Tyagi, A. Kattan, E. Thimsen, J. Xu, W. Song, E. Hu, X. Ji, S. Hou, X. Zhang, M. S. Ding, S. Hwang, D. Su, Y. Ren, X.-Q. Yang, H. Wang, O. Borodin, C. Wang, All-temperature zinc batteries with high-entropy aqueous electrolyte, Nature Sustainability2023. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-01028-x

  9. X. Yang, B. Zhang, Y. Tian, Y. Wang, Z. Fu, D. Zhou, H. Liu, F. Kang, B. Li, C. Wang, G. Wang, Electrolyte design principles for developing quasi-solid-state rechargeable halide-ion batteries, Nature Communications2023, 14:925

  10. J. Xu, T. P. Pollard, C. Yang, N. K. Dandu, S. Tan, J. Zhou, J. Wang, X. He, X. Zhang, A.-M. Li, E. Hu, X.-Q. Yang, A. Ngo, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Lithium halide cathodes for Li metal batteries, Joule, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.11.002

  11. R. Jain, A. S. Lakhnot, K. Bhimani, S. Sharma, V. Mahajani, R. A. Panchal, M. Kamble, F. Han, C. Wang, N. Koratkar, Nanostructuring versus microstructuring in battery electrodes, Nature Reviews Materials2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-022-00454-9.

  12. W. Feng, J. Hu, G. Qian, Z. Xu., G. Zan, Y. Liu, F. Wang, C. Wang, Y. Xia, Stabilization of garnet/Li interphase by diluting the electronic conductor, Science Advances, 2022, 8, eadd8972

  13. M. Liao, X. Ji, Y. Cao, J. Xu, X. Qiu, Y. Xie, F. Wang, C. Wang, Y. Xia, Solvent-free protic liquid enabling batteries operation at an ultra-wide temperature range, Nature Communications, 2022. 13:6064

  14. C. Wang, T. Deng, X. Fan, M. Zheng, R. Yu, Q. Lu, H. Duan, H. Huang, C. Wang, X. Sun, Identifying soft breakdown in all-solid-state lithium battery, Joule2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.05.020.

  15. S. Hou, L. Chen, X. Fan, X. Fan, X. Ji, B. Wang, C. Cui, J. Chen, C. Yang, W. Wang, C. Li, C. Wang, High-energy and low-cost membrane-free chlorine flow battery, Nature Communications, 2022. 13:1281.

  16. J. Xu, X. Ji, J. Zhang, C. Yang, P. Wang, S. Liu, K. Ludwig, F. Chen, P. Kofinas, C. Wang, Aqueous electrolyte design for super-stable 2.5V LiMn2O4||Li4Ti5O12 pouch cells, Nature Energy, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-021-00977-5

  17. T. Deng, X. Ji, L. Zou, O. Chiekezi, L. Cao, X. Fan, T. R. Adebisi, H-J. Chang, H. Wang, B. Li, X. Li, C. Wang, D. Reed, J-G. Zhang, V. L. Sprenkle, C. Wang, X. Lu Interfacial-engineering-enabled practical low-temperature sodium metal battery, Nature Nanotechnology2021, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-021-01036-6

  18. S. Hou, X. Ji, K. Gaskell, P. Wang, L. Wang, J. Xu, R. Sun, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Solvation Sheath Reorganization Enabled Divalent Metal Batteries with Fast Interfacial Charge Transfer Kinetics, Science2021, 374, 172-178.

  19. W. Sun, F. Wang, B. Zhang, M. Zhang, V. Kupers, X. Ji, C. Theile, P. Bieker, K. Xu, C. Wang, M. Winter, A rechargeable zinc-air battery based on zinc peroxide chemistry. Science, 2021, 371, 46-51.

  20. L. Suo, O. Borodin, T. Gao, M. Olguin, J. Ho, X. Fan, C. Luo, C. Wang, K. Xu. Water-in-Salt Electrolyte Enables High Voltage Aqueous Li-ion Chemistries. Science, 2015, 350, 938.

  21. C. Yang, J. Chen, X. Ji, T. P. Pollard, X. Lü, C. Sun, S. Hou, Q. Liu, C. Liu, T. Qing, Y. Wang, O. Borodin, Y. Ren, K. Xu, C. Wang, Aqueous Li-ion Battery Enabled by Halogen Conversion-Intercalation Chemistry in Graphite, Nature, 2019, 569, 245.

  22. J. Chen, X. Fan, Q. Li, H. Yang, M.R. Khoshi, Y. Xu, S. Hwang, L. Chen, X. Ji, C. Yang, H. He, C. Wang, E. Garfunkel, D. Su, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Electrolyte Design for LiF-rich Solid-Electrolyte Interfaces to Enable High-performance Microsized Alloy Anodes for Batteries. Nature Energy, 2020, 5, 386–397.

  23. X. Fan, X. Ji, L. Chen, J. Chen, T. Deng, F. Han, J. Yue, N. Piao, R. Wang, X. Zhou, X. Xiao, L. Chen, C. Wang, All-temperature batteries enabled by fluorinated electrolytes with non-polar solvents, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 882.

  24. F. Han, A. Westover, J. Yue, X. Fan, F. Wang, M. Chi, D. Leonard, N. Dudney, H. Wang, C. Wang, High Electronic conductivity as the origin of lithium dendrite formation within solid electrolytes, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 187-196.

  25. L. Wang, A. Menakath, F. Han, Y. Wang, P. Zavalij, K. Gaskell, O. Borodin, D. Luga, S. Brown, C. Wang, K. Xu, B. Eichhorn, Identifying the components of the solid–electrolyte interphase in Li-ion Batteries, Nature Chemistry, 2019, 11, 789.

  26. L. Cao, D. Li, T. Pollard, T. Deng, B. Zhang, C. Yang, L. Chen, J. Vatamanu, E. Hu, M. J. Hourwitz, L. Ma, M. Ding, Q. Li, S. Hou, K. Gaskell, J. T. Fourkas, X-Q. Yang, K. Xu, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Fluorinated interphase enables reversible aqueous zinc battery chemistries, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021,1730

  27. X. Fan, L. Chen, O. Borodin, X. Ji, J. Chen, S. Hou, T. Deng, J. Zheng, C. Yang, S. Liou, K. Amine, K. Xu, C. Wang, Non-flammable Electrolyte Enables Li-Metal Batteries with Aggressive Cathode Chemistries, Nature Nanotechnology, 2018, 13, 715-722

  28. F. Wang, O. Borodin, T. Gao, X. Fan, W. Sun, F. Han, A. Faraone, J. Dura, K. Xu and C. Wang, Highly Reversible Zinc-Metal Anode for Aqueous Batteries, Nature Materials, 2018, 17, 543-549.

  29. L. Chen, L. Cao, X. Ji, S. Hou, Q. Li, J. Chen, C. Yang, N. Edison, C. Wang, Enabling Safe Aqueous Lithium-ion Open Batteries by Suppressing the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 1-8.

  30. X. Fan, E. Hu, X. Ji, Y. Zhu, F. Han, S. Hwang, J. Liu, S. Bak, Z. Ma, T. Gao, S.-C. Liou, J. Bai, X.-Q. Yang, Y. Mo, K. Xu, D. Su, C Wang, High Energy-Density and Reversibility of Iron Fluoride Cathode Enabled Via an Intercalation-Extrusion Reaction, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 1-12.

  31. Y. Wen, K. He, Y. Zhu, F. Han, Y. Xu, I. Matsuda, Y. Ishii, J Cumings, and C. Wang. Expanded Graphite as Superior Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries. Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4033.

  32. X. Fan, X. Ji, F. Han, J. Yue, J. Chen, L. Chen, T. Deng, J. Jiang, C. Wang, Fluorinated solid electrolyte interphase enables highly reversible solid-state Li metal battery, Science Advances, 2018, 4, eaau9245.

  33. C. Luo, E. Hu, K. J. Gaskell, X. Fan, T. Gao, C. Cui, S. Ghose, X-Q. Yang, C. Wang, A Chemically Stabilized Sulfur Cathode for Lean Electrolyte Lithium Sulfur Batteries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117, 14712- 14720.

  34. C. Luo, O. Borodin X. Ji, S. Hou, K.J. Gaskell, X. Fan, J. Chen, T. Deng, R. Wang, J. Jiang, C. Wang, Azo compounds as a family of organic electrode materials for alkali-ion batteries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115, 2004-2009.

  35. C. Yang, L. Suo, O. Borodin, F. Wang, W. Sun, T. Gao, X. Fan, S. Hou, Z. Ma, K.l Amine, K. Xu, and C. Wang, Unique Aqueous Li-ion/Sulfur Chemistry with High Energy Density, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017,114, 6197–6202.

To view a complete list of Professor Wang's publications, citation metrics, and H-Index, please consult his entry on ResearcherID.

University of Maryland patents highlight energy technology

University System of Maryland ranks 8th among U.S. public institutions

Chemical Engineers Reveal Progress Towards Sodium Batteries for Grid Energy

Researchers involved with SAGES present results for solid-state batteries in Nature Nanotechnology. 

Researchers’ Solid-State Battery Milestone Reaches New Heights

UMD researchers introduce new solid-state battery chemistry for safer and high energy EVs.

UMD Joins $50M Sodium-Ion Battery Innovation Partnership

New research consortium led by Argonne National Laboratory seeks to accelerate sustainable solutions for electric vehicle energy storage.

UMD Joins Sodium-Ion Battery Alliance for Renewable Grid Energy Storage

Battery research partnership could advance sustainable solutions for growing energy demand.

UMD Among 15 Institutions Supported by $62.5 Million Grant To Transform Electric Grids

New battery consortium aims to develop water-based batteries that would support sustainable and affordable electric grids.

Researchers’ Battery Breakthrough Improves Performance at Lower Costs

New lithium-ion batteries with silicon materials could hit the market with lower environmental and manufacturing costs.

Next-Generation Batteries Could Come with Lower Production Costs, Less Environmental Impact

New technologies could replace conventional batteries to power electric vehicles and enable long-distance transportation.

Maryland Researchers Awarded $1.5 Million to Pioneer Batteries for Electric Rail and Maritime Transportation

New technologies could reduce the carbon footprint attributed to the freight transportation sector.

Lighter, Safer and Stronger Batteries Could Power the Smart Devices of Tomorrow

Chemical engineers develop a new technology that could increase energy density and safety of consumer electronics.

Safer Electric Vehicles Could Come Soon After this Recent Breakthrough in Battery Research

Study shows how lithium dendrites forms in solid-state batteries to unveil new design solution. 

Wang Develops New Battery Technology That Could Lead to Safer, High-Energy Electric Vehicles

Researchers Develop Way to Prevent Damage That Plagues Next-Generation Lithium Batteries

Chunsheng Wang Named Electrochemical Society Fellow

Chunsheng Wang Named Electrochemical Society Fellow

Crank Up the AC, Not Global Warming

Maryland engineers advance heating and cooling technology to push for a greener future

Energy Secretary and Maryland Governor visit with MEI2 startups

ARPA-E Summit showcases multiple UMD clean energy technologies

Safe Lithium Batteries Get a Boost

UMD researchers have developed lithium dendrite suppression parameters and electrolytes for longer-lasting batteries that can operate under extreme conditions.

New Electrolyte Design Could be the Answer for Safer Rechargeable Batteries even in Extreme Cold

UMD published in Nature paper on electrolyte design for high energy batteries capable of operating under extreme temperature conditions.

New Sustainable Zinc Battery Design Could Address Future Energy Needs

New UMD-led research published in Nature Sustainability explores a new approach for aqueous zinc battery design.

Chunsheng Wang Presents to U.S. Government Panel on Advances in Li-Ion Battery Technology

Researchers lend expertise and perspective to the future of Lithium-Ion technology and security in the U.S.

CREB Receives $9M Cooperative Agreement

DOD funding will advance transformational U.S. Army battery technology

Maryland Engineering Graduate Programs: Top 10 Public, Four Years in a Row

Maryland Engineering earns a top spot in the 2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools rankings among over 200 colleges.

UMD Research Group Creates Cheap, Membrane-Free Chlorine Battery

Wang group published in Nature Communications.

Novel engineering method enables low-temp sodium metal battery

Study, led by University of Maryland research team, published in Nature Nanotechnology.

Batteries that function in the iciest conditions

CREB held its 2021 fall meeting to discuss battery chemistry designed for super-cold environments.

Nine Maryland Engineers Recognized as Being "One in 1,000"

Clark School researchers among the "who's who" of influential researchers, according to Clarivate.

Expanded Wood Fiber for High-Performance Solid-State Paper Batteries

UMD research group invented the first high-performance solid-state paper batteries by a new molecular scale engineering method.

New electrolyte bolsters rechargeable battery design

UMD/ARL research team overcomes challenges in magnesium, calcium battery development with new design principle.

UMD receives 2 IARPA RESILIENCE awards

New program launched from Office of National Intelligence

Next-Gen Lithium-Metal Batteries

UMD's Wang Research Group develops polymer-inorganic solid-electrolyte interphase for use in polymeric solid-state lithium batteries.

Chunsheng Wang Wins 2021 ECS Battery Division Research Award 

Wang will be recognized at a ceremony during the fall meeting.

UMD Battery Technology Highlighted in Technical.ly

Maryland based battery company bringing UMD tech to market

Student Researchers Recognized with Wylie Dissertation Fellowships

Fourteen Clark School students pursuing their Ph.D.s in engineering have been awarded Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships by the University of Maryland Graduate School.

'Fluorinated interphase' bolsters water-based zinc battery chemistry

Wang Research Group collaborating with ARL publishes study in Nature Nanotechnology.

Building Energy Innovation in Maryland

Engineering Market Momentum

AquaLith Advanced Materials Licenses Lithium-Ion Battery Technology Developed at University of Maryland

Technology is based on the work of Prof. Chunsheng Wang in the A. James Clark School of Engineering

From Innovation to Inauguration

Pines Announces New Quantum Business Incubator, Presents Invention and Entrepreneurship Awards

Clark School Innovators Honored with Invention of the Year Award Nominations

Among the nine 2021 Invention of the Year nominees, four are led by or include Clark School researchers.

Maryland Graduate Engineering Ranked #10 Public in the Nation

From extreme batteries to windows made from wood, Clark School’s trendsetting work ranks it among the country’s Top 10 public engineering schools for the 3rd consecutive year.

M. Stanley Whittingham Joins CREB Steering Committee

Whittingham won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work with Li-ion batteries.

CREB Kicks Off 2021 with Meeting to Discuss Future of Battery Research

The virtual meeting aimed to bolster battery technology under extreme conditions.

Innovative Chemistry Revolutionizes the Zinc-Air Battery

International research group publishes study for next-gen sustainable batteries in Science.

Seven UMD Engineers Recognized as Highly Cited Researchers

Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers have published multiple papers frequently cited by their peers over the last decade.

Envisaging a Better Lithium Battery…With Nanotech

Simulations performed by Siddhartha Das and his research team suggest a way to improve the “water-in-salt” approach.

New government partner joins UMD’s Center for Research in Extreme Batteries

National Institute of Standards and Technology to collaborate

ARL to Fund $30M in Equipment Innovations for Service Members

UMD announces with the U.S. Army Research Lab agreements in additive manufacturing and battery research.

UMD researcher receives new $1M Vehicle Technology Award

Micro-sized silicon anode expands energy capacity

2020 Dean's Doctoral Student Research Awards

The competition recognizes distinguished graduate student researchers in order to help propel their careers and demonstrate the value of high-quality engineering research.

Sulfur Provides Promising 'Next-Gen' Battery Alternative

Multi-institutional research team led by Chunsheng Wang published in PNAS.

UMD Researchers Design ‘Open’ Lithium-ion Battery

The design bolsters both battery safety and performance.

Chunsheng Wang Named 1 of 10 Li-ion Battery Researchers to Watch

Wang, known for his versatile battery research, cited by Research Interfaces.

High-performance electrolyte solves battery puzzle

UMD poses answer to making a nanostructured battery: a better electrolyte

MEI² Scientists Named Highly Cited Researchers in 2019

Hu and Wang identified by Web of Science

What’s Next for Next-Gen Batteries?

High-energy-density polymeric cathode for fast-charge sodium and multivalent batteries.

MEI² Receives Two New Innovative Vehicle Technology Awards

DOE Awards UMD/MEI$2M for Advance Battery Technology

UMD/MEI2 Energy Innovation Featured at ARPA-E 2019

ARPA-E Marks 10 Years of Technology Innovation

Reversible Chemistry Clears Path for Safer Batteries

UMD and ARL scientists create water-based battery with outstanding performance

Wachsman and Wang “Battery 500” Awards selected for Phase II

DOE greenlights 2 UMD awards in second round

Clark School Faculty Members Named Highly Cited Researchers

Hu, Wang demonstrated significant influence through publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade.

Advance could yield safer, longer-range electric car batteries

Chemical engineers pack more energy in same space for reliable battery.

UMD engineers, colleagues work to triple the energy storage of lithium-ion batteries

Researchers have synthesized a new cathode material from iron fluoride that surpasses the capacity limits of traditional lithium-ion batteries.

A higher-energy, safer and longer-lasting zinc battery

Researchers revive an old chemistry with a new electrolyte.

Sandwich Battery with ‘Melty’ Layer is Safe, Robust

UMD engineers create all-ceramic battery with long cycle life

Strength in Numbers, Especially Family Groups

UMD ChBE researchers develop a cluster of azo materials for use in alkali-ion batteries.

Decade of TMV research leads to never-before-seen microsystems for energy storage, biosensors and self-sustaining systems

Long-term Ghodssi-Culver partnership has used the Tobacco mosaic virus as a biological nanoscaffold for groundbreaking devices.

ChBE PhD Candidate Wins MRS Gold Award

Fudong Han focuses his research on improving the all-solid-state-battery.

Chem-E Car Set to Compete in National Competition

The UMD team placed 5th at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Competition, securing their spot for Nationals in October.

MSE Researchers Publish Series Study on All-Solid-State Batteries

Yifei Mo and team seek to improve all-solid-state Li-ion batteries.

More Salt, More Power: UMD, ARL Researchers Building Better Batteries

A team of researchers at UMD, ARL, and colleagues have developed a battery that is at once safer, cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and more powerful - by adding a pinch of salt.

UMD Invention of the Year Nominees Push Boundaries in Health, Energy, and Security

Campus inventors to be honored at Celebration of Innovation and Partnerships

UMD has Largest University Showing at 2016 ARPA-E Summit

UMD researchers showcase transformative energy research at ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit

UMD & Army Researchers Discover Salty Solution to Better, Safer Batteries

Greatest potential uses seen in safety-critical, automotive and grid-storage applications

ChemE Jeopardy Team Wins National Competition

UMD's ChemE team topped eight competitor teams in the AIChE national Jeopardy competition.

University of Maryland Researchers Accept NASA Mission: Build a Better Battery for Space Exploration

UMD researchers awarded NASA funding for advanced energy storage technology

For Batteries, One Material Does It All

Revolutionary material could create safer, simpler and more efficient all-in-one batteries

UMD Partners with Army to Launch Extreme Battery Research Center

New center cofounded by ChBE professor Chunsheng Wang.

You Can Help Our Chem-E Car, Testudo Mobile, Get Competition-Ready!

Launch UMD helps team raise funds for upgrades, travel to national competition.

UMERC's Advanced Energy Storage Technology Selected by NASA

Energy storage research at UMERC has been selected by NASA to potentially power future space missions.

Department of Energy renews NEES EFRC for four years

The center develops highly ordered nanostructures that offer a unique way of looking at the science of energy storage.

Room To Move: Spacing Graphite Layers Makes a Better Battery Anode

New process designed to make Na-ion batteries an effective alternative to Li-ion.

Chem-E Car Team Heads to Finals!

New vehicle debuted at regional competition.

Wang Wins 2013 Junior Faculty Research Award

Research in energy conversion and storage systems serves as model for field.

UMD Researchers Awarded Two ARPA-E Grants for Electric Vehicle Energy Storage Systems

Eric Wachsman and Chunsheng Wang receive funding to create innovative batteries for electric vehicle energy storage systems.

Chem-E Car Team Heads to National Competition Once Again!

Team Thirsty Turtles will take "Pride of Maryland" to San Francisco in November.

New Nanocomposite Anodes Speed Battery Charging

Recent results from Wang, Zachariah featured in Nano Letters, C&EN.

All-In-One: $300K for Development of Interface-Free Battery

National Science Foundation supports C. Wang's efforts to create a single material for anode, electrolyte, and cathode.

Karlsson Joins ChBE Faculty

Professor seeks to improve diagnosis and treatment of fungal diseases in immunocompromised patients.

Solares Wins Department of Energy's Early Career Award

Mechanical engineering professor to use atomic force microscopy to study real-time degradation of fuel cells and batteries.

"Team Thirsty Turtles" Wins Spot in National Chem-E-Car Competition

Clark School chemical and biomolecular engineering students take second in mid-Atlantic region.

ChBE Undergrads Win 5 of 29 Prestigious Industrial Internships

"Exceptional sophomores and juniors" chosen from nationwide field of applicants for $6K-$10K internships.

New Advance for Alkaline Fuel Cells

Clark School research could improve the performance and cost of low-temperature fuel cells for transportation, electronics.

Bad Virus Put to Good Use

In breakthrough batteries, virally structured nano-electrodes boost energy capacity 10-fold.

Merrill Presidential Scholars Named

Three Clark School students and their college and high school mentors honored.

A Longer Life for Lithium Ion Batteries

Wang, Guo create longer-lasting electrode using 3D polymer structure, silicon nanoparticles.

Clark School Hosts PowerMEMS Community

Micro and nano-scale power generation experts tour labs, review research.

Cumings Leads EFRC Nanowire Team

Research designed to increase effectiveness of lithium ion batteries.

NSF Grant for Battery Research

Award will fund development of electroanalytical techniques to make electric cars feasible.

Clark School Professors Win Nanobiotech Grants

Ghodssi, Yu lead research projects that won in state competition.

NanoCenter Improves Energy Storage Options

Maryland NanoCenter researchers create new device to store electrical energy.

Lowe Bequest Benefits ChBE Student Lab

Alumni asked to join in effort to improve student experience.

ChBE Welcomes 3 New Faculty

Klauda, Wang arrive Fall 2007; Sriram Spring 2008.

Materials Research Society (MRS)

Electrochemical Society (ECS)

American Chemical Society (ACS)