Faculty Directory

Trouvé, Arnaud

Trouvé, Arnaud

Professor and Chair
Director of Graduate Studies
Fire Protection Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
3104B J.M. Patterson Building, College Park, MD


  • Engineering Degree and M.S. (1985), École Centrale of Paris, France
  • Ph.D. (1989), École Centrale of Paris, France


  • Chair of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland (2023-present)
  • Professor (2014-present), University of Maryland at College Park, MD
  • Associate Professor (2001-2014), University of Maryland at College Park, MD
  • Guest Researcher (part time) (2005-07), Building and Fire Research Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, MD
  • Research Scientist (1999-2001), The George Washington University, DC
  • Senior Research Engineer (1993-1999), French Petroleum Institute, France
  • Post-doctoral Researcher (1990-1993), Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, CA.


  • US Section of the Combustion Institute
  • International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS)
  • Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE)
  • International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF)


Executive Committees

  • At-large Member (2005-07), Arrangements Chair (2007-11), Program Chair (2011-13), Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (2013-16), Chair (2016-18) and past Chair (2018-20) of the Executive Board of the US Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (ESSCI). See https://essci.engr.uconn.edu
  • Past Chair (2011-13) and member (2013-19) of the Executive Committee of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute (USSCI). See https://www.ussci.org
  • Member of the Executive Committee (2009-20) and Vice-Chairman (2014-20), member of the Management Committee (2009-present), Chair of the Publications Task Group (2022-present) of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). See https://iafss.org
  • Member and past Chair of the “International Fire Safety Consortium” (IFSC), a global network of leading higher education and research institutions focused on fire safety engineering (Univ. of Maryland, 2019-present). See https://intlfire.org

Academic Publishing

  • Member of the Editorial Board of Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2008-present
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Fire Safety Journal, 2014-present
  • Past Member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combustion, 2008-19
  • Past Member of the Editorial Board of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2011-15
  • Past Member of the Editorial Board of Combustion and Flame, 2009-14
  • Past Member of the Editorial Board of Fire Technology, 2008-13
  • Technical reviewer for: Combustion and Flame, Combustion Science and Technology, Combustion Theory and Modeling, Fire Safety Journal, Fire Technology, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Fire Sciences, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Journal of Turbulence, Physics of Fluids, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Combustion Institute, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, International Association for Fire Safety Science, National Science Foundation.

Scientific Meetings and Workshops

  • Symposium co-Chair for the 14th Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), Tsukuba, Japan, October 2023.

  • Symposium co-Chair for the 13th Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), University of Waterloo, Canada, April 2021.

  • Co-Chair of the "IAFSS Working Group on Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena" (the MaCFP Working Group) endorsed and supported by the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) (2014-present). See http://iafss.org/macfp/
  • Program co-Chair of the 12th Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), Lund University, Sweden, 2017.
  • Host Committee Chair of the 10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, University of Maryland, 2017.  See http://blog.umd.edu/combustion2017/
  • Co-Chair and Coordinator of the "Fire Research" Colloquium at the 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea, 2016.
  • Co-organizer and co-Chair of a 2-day Workshop entitled “Towards Data-Driven Operational Wildfire Spread Modeling”, organized by WIFIRE, a NSF-sponsored collaborative project between the University of California at San Diego and the University of Maryland (UMD), 2015. See https://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/17162/
  • Program co-Chair of the 11th Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2014.
  • Program Chair of the Fall Technical Meeting of the US Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Clemson University, SC, 2013.
  • Host Committee Chair of the 10th Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), University of Maryland, MD, 2011.
  • Co-Chair and Coordinator of the "Fire Research" Colloquium at the 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2010.
  • Member of the Committee on “Building Cyberinfrastructure for Combustion Research”, a study organized by the National Academies’ Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, and Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, funded by AFOSR, NIST, DOE, NASA and ARO (2009-10).
  • Arrangement Chair of the Fall Technical Meeting of the US Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, University of Maryland, 2009.
  • Co-Chair of the “Fire Research” Colloquium at the 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
  • Organizer and Chair of a 2-day Workshop entitled “A NSF Workshop on Cyber-based Combustion Science”, sponsored by NSF Thermal Systems Program, Division of Chemical and Transport Systems, Directorate for Engineering, 2006.


  • Fellow of The Combustion Institute (class of 2019)
  • 2017 FORUM Sjölin Award: an award bestowed by the International Forum of Fire Research Directors (the FORUM), a group of fire research leaders throughout the world, that recognizes outstanding contributions to the science of fire safety or an advance in the state of the art in fire safety engineering practice of extraordinary significance.

  • Fire modeling, including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and zone modeling 
  • Direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent reacting flows
  • High-performance (parallel) scientific computing 
  • Cyber-infrastructure
  • Application of data assimilation to fire and combustion 
  • Physical modeling of fire-related phenomena: buoyancy-generated turbulence; turbulent combustion; soot formation and oxidation; combustion-generated toxic products; radiation heat transfer; wall surface heat transfer; water-based fire suppression systems; pyrolysis, material flammability and flame spread; flash fires, fireballs, and explosions; wildland fire propagation

Large Eddy Simulations of Wildland Fire Spread at Flame Scale

  • Advisor: Arnaud Trouvé, atrouve@umd.edu
  • PhD student: Mohamed M. Ahmed, mmahmed@umd.edu
  • Collaborators: Jason M. Forthofer (US Forest Service), Mark A. Finney (US Forest Service)
  • Sponsor: Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, USDA Forest Service
  • See a movie of an OpenFOAM-based simulation of flame spread across a surrogate vegetation bed corresponding to a discrete array of pine wood sticks at  https://youtu.be/Ykfgr8vJ3x8

Regional-Scale Modeling of Wildland/WUI Fire Spread

  • Advisor: Arnaud Trouvé, atrouve@umd.edu
  • PhD student: Yiren Qin, yqin123@umd.edu
  • Collaborators: Chris Lautenberger (Reax Engineering), Michael Gollner (UC Berkeley)
  • Sponsor: NSF

Large Eddy Simulations of Compartment Fire Dynamics

  • Advisor: Arnaud Trouvé, atrouve@umd.edu
  • PostDoctoral researcher: Yujeong Kim, ykim0a@umd.edu
  • Collaborators: Bart Merci (Ghent University), Tuan Ngo (University of Melbourne)
  • Sponsor: UL/Fire Safety Research Institute

The IAFSS Working Group on “Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena” (the MaCFP Working Group)

The IFSC Webinar Series on Wildland Fires

  • The International Fire Safety Consortium is a global network of leading higher-education institutions and fire safety research organizations (https://intlfire.org).
  • The IFSC Webinar Series on Wildland Fires is a community-level international effort that brings together a diverse group of leading experts volunteering their time to act as speakers. The series reviews current knowledge on wildland fires and wildland urban interface (WUI) fires, adopting an engineering perspective but providing also an introduction to relevant concepts in fire ecology, weather dynamics and atmospheric science, and geographical sciences. The video material is released under a Creative Commons license BY-NC 4.0 that allows non-commercial reuse so that it can be used to develop a University-level course on wildland fires.
  • For access, follow directions given at https://fsri.org/program-update/ifsc-wildland-fires-webinar-series


  • Fluid Mechanics, ENFP300 (on-campus)
  • Heat and Mass Transfer, ENFP312 (on-campus)
  • Enclosure Fire Modeling, ENFP425 (on-campus)
  • Computational Methods in FPE, ENFP426 (on-campus)
  • Industrial Fire Safety, ENFP464/664 (on-campus and online)
  • Advanced Fire Modeling, ENFP625 (online)
  • Computational Fire Modeling, ENFP626 (on-campus)
  • Diffusion Flames and Burning Rate Theory, ENFP630 (on-campus)


Recent Publications (Past 5 years)

  • Paul, C., Roy, S., Sailer, J., Brännström, F., Ahmed, M.M., Trouvé, A., Bordbar, H., Hostikka, S., McDermott, R. (2024) “Detailed radiation modeling of two flames relevant to fire simulation using Photon Monte Carlo - Line by Line radiation model,” J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., 329:109177.
  • Purnomo, D.M.J., Qin, Y., Theodori, M., Zamanialaei, M., Lautenberger, C., Trouvé, A., Gollner, M.J. (2024) “Integrating an urban fire model into an operational wildland fire model to simulate one dimensional wildland–urban interface fires: a parametric study,” Intl. J. Wildland Fire33:WF24102.
  • Purnomo, D.M.J., Qin, Y., Theodori, M., Zamanialaei, M., Lautenberger, C., Trouvé, A., Gollner, M.J. (2024) “Reconstructing modes of destruction in wildland-urban interface fires using a semi-physical level-set model,” Proc. Combust. Inst., 40:105755.
  • Ahmed, M.M., Trouvé, A., Forthofer, J., Finney, M. (2024) “Simulations of flaming combustion and flaming-to-smoldering transition in wildland fire spread at flame scale,” Combust. Flame, 262:113370.
  • Kim, Y.J., Trouvé, A. (2023) “Evaluation of angular resolution requirements in the finite-volume-method solution of the Radiative Transfer Equation,” Fire Safety J., 141:103971.
  • Verma, S., Ahmed, M. and Trouvé, A. (2022) “The structure of line fires at flame scale”, in Wildland Fire Dynamics (S. Goodrick and K. Speer Eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Maragkos, G., Verma, S., Trouvé, A., Merci, B. (2022) “Evaluation of OpenFOAM’s discretization schemes used for the convective terms in the context of fire simulations,” Computers and Fluids232:105208.
  • Ahmed, M.M., Trouvé, A. (2021) “Large eddy simulation of the unstable flame structure and gas-to-liquid thermal feedback in a medium-scale methanol pool fire,” Combust. Flame225:237-254.
  • Xu, R., Le, V.M., Marchand, A., Rogaume, T., Richard, F., Luche, J., Trouvé, A. (2021) “The unsteady response of radiating laminar diffusion flames exposed to decreasing mixing rate conditions representative of fires,” Combust. Theory Modelling, 25:1-21.
  • Xu, R., Le, V.M., Marchand, A., Verma, S., Rogaume, T., Richard, F., Luche, J., Trouvé, A. (2021) “Simulations of the coupling between combustion and radiation in a turbulent line fire using an unsteady flamelet model,” Fire Safety J., 120:103101.
  • Ahmed, M.M., J., Trouvé, A. (2021) “Simulations of the unsteady response of biomass burning particles exposed to oscillatory heat flux conditions,” Fire Safety J., 120:103059.
  • Zhang, K., Verma, S., Trouvé, A., Lamorlette, A. (2020) “A study of the canopy effect on fire regime transition using an objectively defined Byram convective number,” Fire Safety J., 112:102950.
  • Meacham, B., van Hees, P., Bisby, L., Chow, W.K., Coppalle, A., Dobashi, R., Dlugogorski, B., Fahy, R., Fleischmann, C., Floyd, J., Galea, E., Gollner, M., Hakkarainen, T., Hamins, A., Hu, L., Johnson, P., Karlsson, B., Merci, B., Ohmiya, Y., Rein, G., Trouvé, A., Wang, Y., Weckman, E. (2019) “IAFSS Agenda 2030 for a Fire Safe World,” Fire Safety J., 110:102889.
  • Le, V.M., Marchand, A., Verma, S., Xu, R., White, J., Marshall, A.W., Rogaume, T., Richard, F., Luche, J., Trouvé, A. (2019) “Simulations of a turbulent line fire with a steady flamelet combustion model coupled with models for non-local and local gas radiation effects, Fire Safety J. 106:105-113.
  • Zhang, C., Collin, A., Moireau, P., Trouvé, A., Rochoux, M.C. (2019) “State-parameter estimation approach for data-driven wildland fire spread modeling: application to the 2012 RxCADRE S5 field-scale experiment,” Fire Safety J. 105:282-299.
  • Zhang, C., Collin, A., Moireau, P., Trouvé, A., Rochoux, M.C. (2019) “Front shape similarity measure for data-driven simulations of wildland fire spread based on state estimation: application to the RxCADRE field-scale experiment,” Proc. Combust. Inst. 37:4201-4209.
  • Brown, A., Bruns, M., Gollner, M., Hewson, J., Maragkos, G., Marshall, A., McDermott, R., Merci, B., Rogaume, T., Stoliarov, S., Torero, J., Trouvé, A., Wang, Y., Weckman, E. (2018) “Proceedings of the first workshop organized by the IAFSS working group on measurement and computation of fire phenomena (MaCFP),” Fire Safety J101:1-17.
  • Myers, T., Trouvé, A., Marshall A.W. (2018) “Predicting sprinkler spray dispersion in FireFOAM,” Fire Safety J100:93-102.
  • Zhang, C., Rochoux, M.C., Tang, W., Gollner, M.J., Filippi, J.-B., Trouvé, A. (2017) “Evaluation of a data-driven wildland fire spread forecast model with spatially-distributed parameter estimation in simulations of the FireFlux I field-scale experiment,” Fire Safety J. 91:758-767.
  • White, J.P., Verma, S., Keller, E., Hao, A., Trouvé, A., Marshall A.W. (2017) “Water mist suppression of a turbulent line fire,” Fire Safety J. 91:705-713.
  • Link, E.D., Myers, T., Trouvé, A., Marshall A.W. (2017) “Measurements of spray-plume interactions for model validation,” Fire Safety J. 91:714-722.
  • White, J.P., Link, E.D., Trouvé, A., Sunderland, P.B. and Marshall, A.W. (2017) “A general calorimetry framework for measurement of combustion efficiency in a suppressed turbulent line fire,” Fire Safety J92:164-176.
  • White, J.P., Vilfayeau, S., Marshall, A.W., Trouvé, A. and McDermott, R.J. (2017) “Modeling flame extinction and reignition in large eddy simulations with fast chemistry,” Fire Safety J90:72-85.
  • Vilfayeau, S., Myers, T., Marshall, A.W. and Trouvé, A. (2017) “Large eddy simulation of suppression of turbulent line fires by base-injected water mist,” Proc. Combust. Inst36:3287–3295.

Additional Selected Publications (Fire physics and fire modeling)

  • Vilfayeau, S., White, J.P., Sunderland, P.B., Marshall, A.W. and Trouvé, A. (2016) “Large eddy simulation of flame extinction in a turbulent line fire exposed to air-nitrogen co-flow,” Fire Safety J86:16–31.
  • Ren, N., Wang, Y., Vilfayeau, S. and Trouvé, A. (2016) “Large eddy simulation of turbulent vertical wall fires supplied with gaseous fuel through porous burners,” Combust. Flame 169:194-208.
  • Vilfayeau, S., Ren, N., Wang, Y. and Trouvé, A. (2015) “Numerical simulation of under-ventilated liquid-fueled compartment fires with flame extinction and thermally-driven fuel evaporation”, Proc. Combust. Inst35:2563–2571.
  • Rochoux, M.C., Emery, C., Ricci, S., Cuenot, B. and Trouvé, A. (2015) “Towards predictive data-driven simulations of wildfire spread. Part II: Ensemble Kalman Filter for the state estimation of a front-tracking simulator of wildfire spread,” Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci15:1721-1739.
  • Rochoux, M.C., Ricci, S., Lucor, D., Cuenot, B. and Trouvé, A. (2014) “Towards predictive data-driven simulations of wildfire spread. Part I: Reduced-cost Ensemble Kalman Filter based on a Polynomial Chaos surrogate model for parameter estimation,” Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 14:2951-2973.
  • Rochoux, M.C., Emery, C., Ricci, S., Cuenot, B. and Trouvé, A. (2014) “Towards predictive simulation of wildfire spread at regional scale using ensemble-based data assimilation to correct the fire front position”, Fire Safety Science – Proc. Eleventh International Symposium, International Association for Fire Safety Science, 1443-1456.
  • Ghorbani, Z., Webster, R., Lázaro, M. and Trouvé A. (2013) “Limitations in the predictive capability of pyrolysis models based on a calibrated semi-empirical approach”, Fire Safety J. 61:274–288.
  • Rochoux, M.C., Delmotte, B., Cuenot, B., Ricci, S. and Trouvé, A. (2013) “Regional-scale simulations of wildland fire spread informed by real-time flame front observations”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34:2641-2647.
  • Lecoustre, V., Narayanan, P., Baum, H. R. and Trouvé, A. (2011) “Local extinction of diffusion flames in fires”, Fire Safety Science – Proc. Tenth International Symposium, International Association for Fire Safety Science, 583-595.
  • Narayanan, P., Baum, H. R. and Trouvé, A. (2011) “Effect of soot addition on extinction limits of luminous laminar counterflow diffusion flames”, Proc. Combust. Inst33:2539-2546. 
  • Arias, P.G., Im, H. G., Narayanan, P. and Trouvé, A. (2011) “Extinction of nonpremixed ethylene-air flames by water spray”, Proc. Combust. Inst33:2591-2597.
  • Trouvé, A. and Wang, Y. (2010) “Large eddy simulation of compartment fires”, Intl. J. Computational Fluid Dynamics 24:449-466. 
  • Lazaro, M., Boehmer, H., Alvear, D., Capote, J. A. and Trouvé A., (2008) “Numerical simulation of fire growth, transition to flashover, and post-flashover dynamics in the Dalmarnock fire test”, Fire Safety Science – Proc. Ninth International Symposium, International Association for Fire Safety Science, 1377-1388. 
  • Hu, Z., Utiskul, Y., Quintiere, J. G. and Trouvé A. (2005) “A comparison between observed and simulated flame structures in poorly ventilated compartment fires”, Fire Safety Science – Proc. Eigth International Symposium, International Association for Fire Safety Science, 1193-1204. 



Arnaud Trouve to Lead FPE

Effective July 30, Trouve will take over as FPE's Department Chair.

International Fire Safety Consortium Releases Free, Open Access Video Webinar Series on Wildland Fires in Partnership with UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute and UMD

The International Fire Safety Consortium (IFSC), a network co-led by the University of Maryland that brings together leading higher-education institutions and fire safety research organizations from around the world, has announced the release of a new series of free, open access educational video webinars on wildland fires, in partnership with UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI).

Collaborative Engineering Team Awarded Grand Challenges Grant

Funding will support an interdisciplinary project geared towards wildfires and WUI fire behavior.

Maryland Engineers Awarded Grants to Address Humanity's Grand Challenges

Twelve projects led by or involving Maryland Engineering faculty have been awarded funding through the Grand Challenges Grants Program, the largest and most comprehensive program of its kind ever introduced at the University of Maryland.

IFSC and UL Collaborate on Wildfire-Fire Modeling Study

Global research initiative will improve understanding of wildfires and fire modeling.

UMD Research Team Uses Massive Computer Power to Perform High Resolution Simulations of Turbulent Pool Fires

Study conducted by Mohamed Ahmed & Arnaud Trouvé published in Combustion and Flame.

FPE Launches the International Fire Safety Consortium

Trouvé and Stoliarov led the U21 International Fire Safety Consortium on campus last week.

UMD displays leadership role at IAFSS Symposium

Multiple FPE researchers recognized at international fire conference in Sweden.

UMD Hosts the Premier Combustion Science Meeting in the U.S.

A record number of attendees made the 2017 meeting the most successful in its history.

FPE Researchers Receive 2017 ASHRAE Award

Jim Milke, Arnaud Trouve and Christine Pongratz received an award for their research on atrium smoke control.

Fire Protection Engineering: New Associated Partner in Intl. M.S. Program

FPE joins consortium of the International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering.

Other professional society fellows

  • Combustion Institute