Roop, Nicole
Dr. Nicole P. Roop oversees Clark School of Engineering scholarships for current students, the college's annual undergraduate catalog review, and course management of its engineering science classes. She also chairs the annual undergraduate Honors and Awards ceremony, assists with honors and awards for faculty and staff, and coordinates the Clark School's learning outcomes and accreditation reviews.
Nicole sits on the Clark School's PCC and VPAC Committees and the Provost's Commission on Learning Outcomes Assessment, serves on the Campus Assessment Working Group as a member of the Beginnings Subgroup, and is a member of the Directing Committee for The Humble Walk: Lutheran Campus Ministry at UMD. An ordained Minister of Word and Service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, she is a Deacon in the DE-MD Synod.
Dr. Roop previously served on the Executive Councils of both the Maryland College Personnel Association and ACPA-College Student Educators International, and has been awarded several staff and leadership awards during her time in the University System of Maryland. Her doctorate was earned at The George Washington University with her dissertation research focused on undergraduate student leadership. Nicole earned a BA in Government at Shippensburg University, an MS in Counseling Education at McDaniel College, and an MA in Ministerial Leadership (with academic honors) from United Lutheran Seminary.
Campus Ministry
Student Leadership
Christian Martyrdom in Film
Financial Assistance for Undergraduates
Co-Instructor, ENES498, Seminar for Undergraduate Teaching Fellows (Fall 2010 to 2016) Seminar course for Clark School’s Keystone Program.
Instructor, ENAE200, The Aerospace Profession II, University of Maryland, College Park (Spring 2006 to Spring 2009) Developed curriculum and taught course twice each spring semester to second-year aerospace engineering students.
Assisting Instructor, ENAE398, Aerospace Honors Project Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park (Spring 2009)
Assisting Instructor, ENAE100, The Aerospace Profession I, University of Maryland, College Park (Fall 2002 to Fall 2008)
Teaching Assistant, EDUC 282 Administration of College Student Development Programs, The George Washington University (August 2000 to December 2000)
In progress: “From Chaste to Crazy: Christian Female Martyrdom in Film”, to be proposed to the Journal of Religion and Film.
Accepted scenario in book proposal, "Instructional Scenarios of Multiple Identities in Higher Education", Melissa Dahne, Senior Director of Publications, NASPA Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March 2019.
Roop, N. (2008). Book Review: Building a winning career in engineering: 20 strategies for success after college. NACADA Journal 28(2).